35. Back To Regular Life

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Our last day in Malibu went great. We spent the whole day out, visiting some famous tourist attractions and shopping some gifts for everyone back at home.

I found out that Evan can be a very friendly person if he wants to. Thankfully, he didn't act like a closed-off workaholic the whole day and actually put some effort in conversing with me. He told me about his life before; about his school life, his college life and his work life.

He wasn't someone who was given everything in a silver platter. He told me that when he started working in his late father's small company at the age of 21, they didn't have enough money. He ran it together with his then-girlfriend Eliza for two years until she got pregnant with Cara. They both suffered many financial issues but their perseverance kept their work going. After her death, he handled the company alone and soon, it started to rise to sky due to his hardwork.

I truly felt like I bonded with him in a day and now, we were on our way back to our house. His driver had picked us from the airport. Both of us were sitting in the backseat silently, scrolling our phones. The car entered through the massive gate of Evan's mansion. The driver opened the door and I stepped outside.

"Ma'am, sir," George rushed out to take our luggage. "Welcome back."

"Thank you," I smiled at him and then turned to Evan and narrowed my eyes. "Be nice to Cara." I told him.

He glared back at me with his piercing gaze. "You can be so bossy sometimes." he replied, on which I shrugged.

Together, we both made our way inside. When we stepped through the door, Cara came rushing towards us with her arms wide open. Kelly and Diana both were running after her, trying to stop her from running so fast.

"Mama," she exclaimed excitedly as she jumped on me. I wrapped my arms around her and engulfed her in a bear hug.

"I missed you so much, Cara." I said, kissing her hair.

"I missed you too. Geena didn't make me cookies." she said, pulling apart, her mouth formed a cute pout.

"Oh, don't worry sweetheart. I'll bake you your favourite cookies today." I said.

"Didn't you miss Daddy?" Evan asked her in a gentle voice.

"I did. But I missed mama more." she answered innocently and Evan chuckled at this. He leaned forwards and placed a small peck on her forehead. Cara looked surprised at his changed behaviour and her smile clearly reflected that. My heart warmed on seeing his fatherly side and together, we three walked inside.

"Mama, did you enjoy in Mal... Mal... Malibu?" Cara asked while we were walking.

"Yeah," I blushed as the memory of Evan's kisses made an appearance in my mind. "I enjoyed a lot."

"What exactly did you enjoy?" Evan asked, his eyes filled with mischievousness.

Giving him a glare, I turned to Cara and said, "I enjoyed swimming."

I sat down on the couch and asked George to give me my red bag in which there were gifts for everyone. Cara observed me with curious eyes, probably waiting for her gift. Amused at her cute expression, I opened the bag and pulled out the first box.

It was a huge assortment of beads and other accessories to make handmade jewelries. Cara loved wearing beaded bracelets and headbands so this seemed like the perfect gift that would entertain her as well as teach her this skill.

"Wow," she said and opened it hurriedly. Picking a handful of colorful pieces, she grinned wide. "It's so pwetty."

"Just like you," I replied and ruffled her hair.

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