Elevator Kiss

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Arabella's POV

"See ya next week, Mary." I smile at her as I leave her room.

Every Sunday, I see my tutor for English. English isn't easy for me, because I have Dyslexia and I have trouble reading and writing. I'm getting better, my grade went from a D to an A within a few months. I'm still homeschooled, I just get tutored for subjects I struggle it.

No one knows that's I have Dyslexia, besides my dad, because he's my father. Dyslexia isn't fun to have, but I have to deal with it and live with it. Mary, my tutor, believes that I may also have Aspergers, because of my behavior and how I act. Her daughter has Aspergers and our behavior is very similar, we are socially awkward and have an all-absorbing interest in specific topics. She's unsure, but I fit majority of the symptoms that people with Aspergers have. It's not a terrible thing that I could have Aspergers, it's just who I am and I have to live with it.

Anyway, I left my tutor's room and walked into the elevator. I pressed the button for the lobby and the doors closed. I got on my phone and texted my dad that I was coming home, but I got distracted when the elevator stopped moving. I looked up and the elevator started to shake and make weird noises.

"Oh no...don't do this." I say and heard a snap. I yelled as the elevator wobbled and I grabbed onto the wall behind me and panicked.

"Daddy? Henry? where are you?"


About an hour had passed and I was still stuck in the elevator. The cables to the elevator kept snapping and if someone doesn't save me soon, I'll fall to my death and I'm absolutely terrified.

I was physically shaking and couldn't find the strength to yell or say anything, that's how scared I was.

I don't wanna die, I can't die. Please god, save me from this horrifying experience.


"Thank you..." I mustered out, weakly.

"Hello!" I called out.

"Help is on the way!"

That's Henry. I know that voice.

"Hurry! Please!" I call out the best I could and yelped when the elevator shook again. "Who is this?"

"Kid Danger!"

"Kid Danger? It's me Arabella!" I call.

"Airy?!" Henry called. "How did you get in there?"

"Is this really the best time to ask that?" I asked him.

"True. Don't worry, I'm gonna save you!"


Above me, the emergency door opened and I saw Henry standing there.

"Henry." I smile with relief.


"Yo. Wanna save me?" I asked with folded arms.


He hops down next to me and I immediately hug him and he hugs me back.

"I'm gonna get you out of here."

"Please..." I beg and pull away.

"First, why are you here in the first place?" Henry asked.

"Because I was with my English tutor today and now I'm here in a elevator that's about to snap." I explained with panic.

"That makes sense." Henry said and I nodded.

"Now save me!"


The cable was creaking and I yelled as the elevator moved.

Captain Man's Daughter (Henry Danger)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon