Hour of Power Part 2

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Arabella's POV

"What?!" I exclaimed and he just grinned. "No. That's a lie!"

Drex is not my biological father. There's no way that's right.

"It's the truth, Airy."

"Only Henry gets to call me that." I spat at him and he got way to close to my face.

"Well, Henry's not here right now." He remarked and gripped my arm, causing me to yelp in pain. "Now, I want you to tell me where the Man Cave is."

"Never!" I snap at him and glare angrily. "You can't make me talk!"

"I don't need too." He said and let go of my arm and I exhaled with relief.


"I have my own way, darling."

"Don't call me that!" I yell.

"You are such a pest." He rolled his eyes and picked up a wire with a needled attached to it. "This should shut you up."

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" I protested and moved back as much as I could in the chair. "Don't touch me with that!"

He ignored me and powered up the machine, causing the needle to fill up with green liquid.

"Drex, please don't."

"Arabella, welcome to the dark side." Drex smirked and I yelled out in horror as he injected the green liquid into my arm. The machine activated and right then my vision became blurry and I was lightheaded and dizzy.


Then the whole world turned black and I was out.


Third Person POV

Moments later, Arabella awakened and her eyes were a dark and vibrant green color. Drex smiles at the sight of his new evil minion and laughed.

"Hello, Arabella."

"Hello, Master Drex."

Arabella lifted her hand and a plant grew from the ground as her hand got higher. Arabella's hand came to a stop and the top of the plant stem formed into a beautiful red rose.

"And now, you have the ability to create any flora in the world and manipulate the plants and nature around you." Drex smiles and released her from the chains, before she stood up. "Now, I need you to take down Kid Danger for me."

"I will destroy Kid Danger."


The next day with Drex and Jasper; Swellview Playground

"Where is it?!" Drex scolded Jasper as he pulled him over to the playground.

"There it is!" Jasper pointed to the Twirly Whirly and Drex shoved Jasper as they approached the ride.

"Where's the Man Cave?! Show me!" Drex exclaimed.

"It's under this Twirly-Whirly!" Jasper informed him. "Like half a mile down....bye!"

"Hey!" Drex yelled and Jasper paused. "How do I get inside?"

"You...you have to twirl it, like a...like a combination lock." Jasper explained.

"All right. Open it!" Drex demanded.

"Uh...o-okay..." Jasper hesitantly agreed. "First, I um, I spin it this way...twenty-five times."

Drex nodded and Jasper began to spin it. "One..." The ride spun around once. "Two..."

Drex huffed and waited, impatiently.

Captain Man's Daughter (Henry Danger)Where stories live. Discover now