chapter 6

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Will walks up to them and greets them. John notices Will's absence and finds him talking to the parkers. He was surprised to see them and jogs over to them and greets them also. Inviting them inside they all head into Jupiter 2.

They walk to the med bay to be checked over for they had crashed yesterday.

John walked to the wall where there was a com thing and called in everyone to the bay.

Sam walks into the med room and sits down on the bed wincing from the pain all over her body from the fall in the Jupiter and the long walk. She just wanted to sleep. Sadie borderline dragged herself through the doorway- with an on guard Ares following her- and dropped herself on the bed wishing the bed to swallow her up and let her sleep for eternity.

Maureen, Judy, and penny all rush into the room." Oh wow you guys look... like shit." Maureen smacks the back of Penny's head and rolls her eyes. "It's great to see you guys again. Are you okay?"

"Umm I think I might have a concussion from our crash in Jupiter. But other than that we were fine other than being tired." Sam smiled up at the family. Sadie mumbled an agreement, tearing her head on Sam's shoulder.

Judy walks up to Sam and asks to check to see if they have a concussion.

A light pink is dusted across Judy and Sam's face. Sadie coughs and smirks, Sam just elbows Sadie while getting examined.

"You need to take it easy for a while if you have a mild concussion." Judy instructs in doctor mode.

Whilst checking Sadie too the Robinsons and Parkers catch up. They talk about the girls crash to the planet and their walk here and their Robinson's trip in the snow area and how they nearly died multiple times. Maureen leaves the girls alone to continue getting the Jupiter ready and brings John with her to talk. They continue talking till Penny offers Sadie an Oreo. Giggling they munch in the food.

After their eventful day Sadie needed to pee." Hey um sorry to interrupt but I have to pee like really bad." Sadie says wiggling in her seat Judy pointing to a door leading to another room tells that's the bathroom. Sadie thanks her and runs to pee leaving Ares sleeping on the floor with the girls.

They hear pattering of feet and a hard set of steps, " I'm sorry for Penny and her comment. I mean she's the one eating Oreos." Judy's voice came out as a sigh, obviously playing. Penny elbows Judy in the side letting out a hey.

Sam nods her head smiling telling her that it's okay and they will be fine. Sadie will probably get her back later.

It is quiet for a minute till Penny speaks up "So Will and Sadie?"

While Sadie was peeing she thought over what has been happening over the past few months. Her dreams of who she now knows is will, has been happening more and more.

They crashed on an unknown planet and she's currently peeing in the Robinson's bathroom. When she's done she washes her hands and looks in the mirror.

" Oh God I'm surprised that the mirror hasn't broken, my hair-oh God what is this?" She pulls a leaf out of her hair and throws it away.

She fixes her hair the best she can before going out.

Sadie comes out of the bathroom as follows with someone behind him.

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