Chapter 23

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         “She’s just… I don’t know John” I heard Clayton say. I didn’t open my eyes, listening to the conversation. I knew it was about me. What other ‘she’ is there?

                “Don’t get attached, Clay” John warned, sounding sincere for once “She’s the enemy. They warned us about the pull girls’ have. Don’t let her get to you”

                “John, there’s something different about her” Clayton tried to reason with her “She’s… innocent. She has no intention of harming either of us. She’s just now

coming out of her shell!”


                “I know, I know. She’s going back to the Girl’s Side anyways. I just… I’m going to miss her”

                “Please tell me you’re not turning into a Neuterus”

                I frowned slightly, wondering what a Neuterus was.

                “I’m not John! I’m just saying…”

                “Bullshit you’re just saying”

                “Look, I don’t like girls. I just like this girl”

                “Like I said, don’t get attached. You’re only going to be with her for a couple more days, Clay”

                He sighed, fingers running across my cheek “I know. You know its going to be super hard to get back on our side once we’re there right?”

               “That’s why we’re taking the Nerd’s Lightplane”


                “No. The Nerd’s going to tell the Queen- Bitch of us. Otherwise our plane is going to get shot down when we go across”

                “He could still do that…” Clayton’s voice cracked slightly. He covered it up with a cough.

                “He wouldn’t. This is his only Lightplane until next year, Clay. The Nerd wouldn’t risk it getting damaged”

                “Then why is he letting us use it?”

                “He has to. Our society paid for it. We’d just go break it if he didn’t”


                It was silent then. I debated whether or not to pretend to awake. I decided against it. I could tell it was still nighttime.

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