♡ Chapter One ♡

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Have you ever despised someone you did not exactly know why? This is the case for Natsuki. She hates her fellow club member known as Yuri. Yuri is shy. She is like a thorny purple rose but can be as soft as a lily. Long positioned lavender hair that falls low with a mature female figure. Yuri is the opposite of Natsuki. A third-year at a usual Japanese high school, named Otonokizaka High School. Pink as cherry blossoms her hair is and Natsuki is a flower waiting to bloom but she remains to who she is... due to being afraid of showing people the real her.

In fact, Natsuki did not really get why she hated Yuri so much. Sure, she can be overly shy but is that truly a dislike trait? Yuri can be defensive when it comes to criticisms and believes she is more than Natsuki, however, is that something to hate someone over? Maybe, Natsuki is just complete opposite people or rather some people do not just mix.

Today was Thursday of the week where students keep thinking about Friday instead of Thursday.

Natsuki sat at the back of the room while reading some manga. "Ugh, why am I even thinking about her?" Natsuki thought as she looks over to Yuri who was happily chatting to Monika. Natsuki's small mouth opens slightly at the sight of Yuri not being shy as she chatted to Monika. The way Yuri beams in the sunlight as her eyes glistened in the sunshine. She tucks her long purple strings her behind her ear as she closed her eyes chuckling. Natsuki's heart fluttered at Yuri as she lowers her manga slightly in confusion while looking at Yuri. Yuri finished her conversation with Monika and her eyes wandered backwards making eye contact with Natsuki for a second. Natsuki panics and puts her face in her manga with her face going bright red. "Oh shoot, I think she saw me..."

Yuri walks over to Sayori as she held her poem in her hand. "Fuck..." Natsuki mumbles before Monika approaches her holding a poem too.

"Um, Natsuki. It is time to share poems! Hehe, didn't you hear me?" Monika asks before giggling at her being aware that she was probably daydreaming about something or someone even.

Natsuki goes pink in embarrassment. "Did Yuri really cloud my thoughts? ...she is annoying..." Natsuki wondered before going into her bag to get her poem that she wrote with a word. "I hate her..."

Monika notices Natsuki was in deep thought about something and decided to question her. "Is something on your mind?" she asks kindly as she approached her.

Natsuki got defensive, "What's it to you?! Anyway, here my poem," she says shoving the poem in Monika's face. "Ugh... Monika wouldn't understand..."

"Thank you," Monika mumbles as Natsuki's poem was in her face. She takes it off her face before rubbing her eyes. She began reading Natsuki's poem.

Lesson Learnt

The pink ball slowly rolls towards my feet,
as the sand beneath it flies up into the air.

I pick up the ball and look over at the child.
"Hello," I say wanting to make friends.

The child snatches the ball from me before running off.
I look at her as I realise, she was running to her friend.

That is when I learned people are cruel.

Monika smiles as she replies, "Well, this is quite different from your other poems!"

Natsuki growls at Monika. She folds her arms and looks away, annoyed at Monika. "Yeah, whatever. My hand was in too much pain to write a long one. Just give me your poem," she orders and Monika complies.

"Oh, I wonder why that is..." Monika responds as Natsuki starts reading Monika's poem.

Different Realities

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