♡ Chapter Two ♡

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Yuri and Natsuki both began to walk home, mutually. The two counterparts walked on a stone side we walk as their steps were coordinated. The flowers and trees were in perfect sync like their footsteps we are. The flowers were asagao. The base of the plant consists of green shrubbery, and the leaves are heart-shaped. The blossoms look tie-dyed with blue and white streaks. Small thin trees separating them into sections. Natsuki looks up into the sky. The sky is a sombre grey save for the band of salmon pink that hovers over the mountains. The dusky grey peaks give the bottom a jagged edge, whereas the clouds beyond it comfort it with charcoal curls. "Yuri lives in a beautiful area... unlike mine..." Natsuki thought while admiring the scenery.

There was this weird silence between the two. They both did not know what to say, really. Natsuki looks over at Yuri who was walking in silence with an emotionless face and emotionless eyes. Its kind of scared Natsuki seeing that dark shadow over Yuri's face. "She kind of looks... depressed..." Natsuki wondered.

Yuri suddenly decides she wants to strike up a conversation, "Ummm..." she says trying to think of something to say. "What can I possibly talk about...? Us two are completely different people... like yin and yang..." Yuri thought being aware this might turn awkward.

"Yeah?" Natsuki asks Yuri.

Yuri lets a small sight before smiling slightly sweetly at her. Her lavender eyes soften as they relaxed. "Thanks for walking me..." she tells Natsuki appreciating her actions.

"Whatever, it's not like I had anything else better to do," Natsuki says looking away from Yuri avoiding eye contact. "Who am I kidding? I just want to spend time with Yuri so I can help her because after learning she cuts herself it made me realise... my... true... feeling..." she thinks as her face becomes warm.

Yuri looks at Natsuki, complicated. "Oh really? I thought you hated me..." she says because of Natsuki's behaviour towards her. "Honestly, I do think Natsuki hates me but maybe mot as much as I thought..."

When Yuri said that to Natsuki it broke her heart. Hearing how her actions made Yuri think that completely set something off inside of her. Regret? Anger? Sadness? Remorse? Natsuki was feeling a whole bunch of emotions right now and did not know how to respond. "I do but I don't yet I do," she responds.

"Um... ok?" Yuri replies confused as she looks away. "What the heck is Natsuki rambling about? It was a simple statement!"

Natsuki mentally facepalmed. "Darn it, Natsuki... could you say anything else less weird...?" she thought as she looks at Yuri. "I-I mean I don't hate you!" she corrected her.

"But you said you do?" Yuri questions confused.

Natsuki blushes, "Forgot about what I just said!" she says looking away

"Um, all right. However, I would understand why you would be considering we never really get along. Plus, we are opposites like the sun and moon," Yuri says being self-aware enough to realise the cause of why they didn't really get along. "Plus, we just did have an argument like one hour ago..." she thinks to remember.

Natsuki heart broke even more. This made her realise what Yuri thought of her and it hurt her more than it should. "W-Well forget that!" She orders shouting at her.

"H-huh?" Yuri inquires nervously as a sweat roll down her forehead. "...Natsuki confuses me..." she thinks.

Natsuki sighs and folds her arms, "You're wrong..." She murmurs.

Yuri sighs as she gives up trying to understand Natsuki. "Alright, whatever you say Natsuki..." She tells her as she drops the subject. "She is really strange..." Yuri thought as she fiddles with her long purple hair. "Um... So how is school?" She asks not knowing what else to say.

"Eh..." Natsuki responds.

Yuri looks over to her, "Not good?" She asks.

"It's just the people," Natsuki answers.

Yuri's eyes sparkled as she replies with, "I get that... People can be brutal at that school. I'm still surprised that our senseis haven't excluded them..."

Natsuki smirks. "They don't do shit, trust me," she responds. "They didn't do anything when I said I got nothing to eat..."

"Oh, trust me, Natsuki I know. They did nothing when I was being harassed," Yuri says a bit angry as her face turns cold.

Natsuki got slightly concerned, "You get harassed?" She asks. "I guess that could be a reason why Yuri could be self-harming... maybe to cope?"

"Yep because of some stupid rumours," Yuri responds now looking away. She exhales heavily. "That why I wasn't in school for a week and a half..." she admits.

Natsuki suddenly remembers about that. Everyone in the club was worried about Yuri and suddenly she just turns back up. "Oh yes... Everyone was worried about you but I do not blame you. I would take time off school if I could," she says knowing she rather be at school than at home.

"Uuuuuu... I'm sorry I'm venting..." Yuri says realising as she covers her mouth. "Why do I always do this?" she wondered as she turns away.

"Do you always apologize?" Natsuki asks smirking.

Yuri goes slightly red, "N-no sorry if you think that... Ah! I'm sorry I didn't... Oh, I did it again..." She says blushing bright red. Natsuki giggles at Yuri which made her quiet. "Uuuuuu..."

"You know Yuri... You ain't half bad!" Natsuki smirks as she chuckles.

"Wait... did she really say that?" Yuri thought. Yuri shows a slight minor soft smile as she says, "T-thank you... I suppose..."

Yuri says that they approach her house. The house was kind of modern and nothing too out of the ordinary. Natsuki noticed the weird scent coming from Yuri's home, it smelled like jasmine oil. "Ah, I guess time really flew by didn't it!" she says stopping in place.

 "Ah, I guess time really flew by didn't it!" she says stopping in place

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"Oh no... look like I didn't learn anything about Yuri really despite the fact she gets bullied like me," Natsuki thought as she exhales heavily. "Well, looks like I need to say something right here right now otherwise I won't have a chance..."

"Hey, want to come inside, Natsuki?" Yuri asks her nicely noticing a raincloud overpassing them. "...just until the weather clears up?"

"Sure, why not?" Natsuki agrees, knowing that if she walked home in the rain her father will be annoyed... also she wants to make sure Yuri is safe.

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