♡ Chapter Three ♡

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Natsuki walks into Yuri's home to be greeted by a strong scent of jasmine that went up right into her nose. It made her face go bright red like a rose patch. Her house was empty and did not really have many decorations around. It was kind of bare and sent a weird feeling down Natsuki's back. However, they were three large book sleeves that Natsuki noted. Natsuki began taking off her shoves before she noticed an orange bottle sat on a coffee table near the entrance. Natsuki began reading it and the first word on it was anxiety, however, she could not read it all because Yuri quickly put it in a drawer. "Well... she does have some kind of anxiety but why would she need to cut if she is managing her anxiety...?" Natsuki thought. "Or maybe it isn't really working..."

Sweat rolls down Yuri's forehead, "Ah, don't mind that..." she says slightly worried.

"Whatever I don't really care..." Natsuki mumbles not honestly. "But I do really care but I guess it is none of my business of what she takes..."

Yuri smiles, "Ah good," she says relieved that Natsuki did not look down on her. "Well, your stupid mistake of leaving your medication out probably made Natsuki creeped out! I need to fix this..." she thought as she noticed Natsuki looking at a photo frame of Yuri surrounded by lavender. "Would you like some tea?" she asks.

Natsuki shrugs, "Sure, that would be nice," she says smiling ever so slightly.

"Okay, make yourself at home. You can go sit on the couch if you like," Yuri says before wandering off to the kitchen to make some tea for Natsuki. Natsuki goes over to sit on Yuri's couch and it was comfortable unlike her one at home. She noted the mature aspect of Yuri's home. Everything was tidy and has a certain colour range which was mostly black, white and greys.

Suddenly the rain started pouring down like a shower. It beat against Yuri's window heavily like rocks. "Good thing I didn't get caught in that..." she mutters.

As Natsuki was admiring Yuri's home, Yuri returned with a tray and two cups of tea. As she walked the teacups collided together being the attention to her. "Sorry, for the wait but I think you'll like this. It's a speciality blend that was imported," She says while sitting the cup down on the coffee table in front of her.

Natsuki recognised the familiar scent of vanilla frosting came from it. "It has a nice scent too," Natsuki says before taking a sip of it "I-It tastes like cupcakes too?" she asks with a surprised tone.

Yuri giggles, "It's was quite an unusual buy for me but I wanted for something for the club to try... I kind of forgot I had it until I began thinking about what you would like..." she says smiling slightly as she blushes. "...Nevertheless... I glad you like it..." Yuri sat down next to Natsuki before drinking her own 'cupcake' tea.

Natsuki watches Yuri was her mouth softly presses against the ring of the cup before tilting the cup as some of the hot liquid falls onto Yuri's lips. Natsuki watches Yuri throat move to shallow down the liquid. She blushes slightly as Yuri lowers the cup and wipes her mouth. Yuri notices Natsuki staring at her, "Something wrong?" she asks.

Natsuki goes bright red as she tried to quickly come up with an excuse. "N-nothing... just wondered if you would like something this sweet..." she lies blushing slightly.

Yuri places her tea in her lap, "I have to admit, this isn't my bag of tea- pun not intended... but it all right, I suppose. It's something different," she responds to Natsuki. She looks outside of her window to see the rain getting worse.

"Well, it's certainly different, I can tell you that!" Natsuki says taking a big chug of it down because she enjoyed it.

Yuri smiles because she could tell Natsuki was enjoying this. Suddenly, her happiness was replaced with something else. It made Yuri slightly upset she felt something wrong in the stomach like a gut feeling. "Should I let her know? I feel bad for not telling her that I know..." she thought.

"Hey, Yuri!" Natsuki says a little too excitedly which snapped Yuri out of her trance.

"Um, yes?" Yuri asks her.

"Why don't you bring this tea to the club? Not that I care or anything but you did say it was your original plan. Plus, I bet Sayori is going to love it!" Natsuki says trying to convince Yuri to do so.

Yuri sighs as she fiddles with her hair, "Wouldn't that be weird...?" she asks as anxiety swells inside of her body.

"No, after all, you are the tea person of the club," Natsuki says giggling slightly.

"I-I suppose I am..." Yuri says as she notices the weather to start to clear up. "Ah, wonderful, the weather is clearing up so I don't have to bother you now!"

That hurt Natsuki when Yuri said that. "Yuri, you are not a bother. Stop thinking like that," she says in a hurtful tone. Yuri notices this but did not understand why Natsuki was so affected or did she?

"O-oh sorry," she apologies with a frown. "Um... well then... if I am doing to bring in my cupcake tea why don't you bring some cupcakes to company it?" Yuri recommends.

"I guess, that is a good idea but it's not like I have anything else to do today while despite writing the poem we talked about," Natsuki says as the weather fully cleared up.

Yuri noticed the weather cleared up, "Hehe... we did, didn't we?" she asks as a blush appears on her face. Natsuki noticed Yuri blush on her face before she looks away.

"Anyway, I have to go now before papa gets angry," Natsuki says slightly upset.

Yuri noticed Natsuki sad expression but did not give it a second thought. "Alright, see you tomorrow, Natsuki," she says smiling softly. Natsuki walks out of Yuri's house as her heart bled. She felt scared of leaving Yuri on her own because she was worried. It hurt Natsuki seeing Yuri resort to this but she could not blame her, after all, it isn't right to judge.

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