𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 : 12

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"You're not allowed to visit Sir Kirayo, my apologies." A guard answered, his tone dull and sordid, eluding all arrays of eye contact with you. An irritated sigh left your lips as you decided to press him further. The guard was ensuring nobody entered Octavi's bedroom as he was still in a poor state and desperately needed rest. Yesterday, the Emperor had ordered nobody to leave or enter the palace moments after his return, and the occurring of the incident. The Emperor also restricted who could go into Octavi's bedroom. Hence the only people allowed inside were him and Oriin Kirayo, nobody else. It felt as though the Emperor was teasing you. He knew well enough that Octavi was one of your only friends in the palace. Though the knight could be considered a friend as well by now, couldn't he? You pondered the thought, despite never knowing where he ran off to. He seemed to disappear in and out of thin air at any given opportunity, like it were part of his many capricious antics: which, instead of amusing you, exasperated you.

"You're not getting through, so don't even try, Ma'am. If you push on any further and continue disturbing Sir Kirayo's slumber, I'm afraid I will have to ask the other guards to drag you away." The guard instructed you, a more tense and strict tone now lacing his voice as he glared you down.

"I guess I was somewhat rude. He deserves to rest after the whole dilemma, doesn't he? I probably just miss having somebody around." You mumbled to yourself, knowing full well that the guard didn't care enough to listen to a single thing you had said past his last statement. With a heavy heart, you, therefore, departed the hallway within which was nestled Octavi's bedroom.

"Ah, [Name]!" A voice called out. You looked around frantically, your eyes eventually meeting those of primary assistant Eli. "The Emperor wishes to meet with you about an important matter. I have been searching all over for you, and I'm quite glad I was smart enough to think you would be here. Please, follow me." He ordered rather than asked, already beginning to lead the way to wherever the Emperor supposedly was.

It always felt so frightening and formal to meet with the Emperor. However, you were sure that your nerves would be much calmer now, especially since that night where he had fallen asleep on his desk. It truly felt like you took a peek at the secret yet more relaxed side of the monarch who always seemed uptight to stay behind that mask of his.

Lost in your thoughts, you nearly didn't notice your arrival to the tearoom where you had first met the Emperor. Eli stepped in first, the royal guards closing the door as you followed close behind. Grasping what to do by now, you sat at the same chair you had sat on when you'd both first talked, distinguishable nostalgia hanging in the air. Meanwhile, Eli walked silently to the other side of the red curtain which separated you from the Emperor. It was somewhat translucent, enough to make out - though barely - his figure. There he was too, sitting on the same seat he had the first time your eyes had laid upon his striking silhouette.

"Eli, you are dismissed." The Emperor stated, and Eli inevitably came back from the other side of the barrier. He flashed you a comforting smile before leaving through the door in utter silence, putting the stealth of a ghost to shame.

"[Name] Fuyomui. I want to thank you once again. It seems as though I am seriously indebted to you." The Emperor began, his voice a bit more hoarse than usual, like he had been depressed lately, and his throat had grown tired of crying.

"Whatever for?" You questioned the Emperor, upholding the conversation as you could already feel droplets of sweat begin to rise from your soft [S/C] palms.

"I summon you here this early afternoon to give you my thanks for staying once again. Second of all, I'd also like to thank you for aiding Sir Kirayo when he was in need. The Kirayo family has a very precious bloodline that has always been by the royal family's side. I feel as though if something were to happen to him, it would be my fault. I visited him earlier in his private chambers. He said he wished to be alone for the rest of the day as he's been entirely drained of energy. We've found that the bullet was laced with a poison meant to be fatal. However, we had the anecdote prepared by the royal doctor in time, as it is quite a slow-acting poison, readily identifiable." He continued, before seemingly eyeing your figure.

𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐝. ( Yandere x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now