𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 : 15

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This chapter may contain violent scenes that are unsettling to some readers. If you are easily disturbed by violence and death, please skip this chapter.

"Do not worry, [Name]. We will find him soon." The Emperor attempted to reassure your worried self even though his voice was just as concerned as you were looking. Eyebrows knit together and face contorted in dismay; you could barely keep yourself together. Why did Octavi always have to endure these sorts of things? It significantly stressed you out that Octavi was still in some kind of trouble. Now, it could be costing him his life and your sanity.

You and the Emperor were sat in his office, awaiting updates. Once again, the Emperor had to make the security of the palace even heavier. It was now late into the night: after you had found Octavi's bedroom empty and notified the Emperor straight away. You could not catch a wink of sleep even if you wanted to because all you were fretting about was Octavi. The Emperor's eyes were drowned with concern as his eyes were fixated on the door, seemingly begging for some good news to come through.

The two of you jumped as a knock finally interrupted the office's painful silence. Eli stepped into the office and bowed, proceeding to update the two of you on the current situation. "At the moment, the evidence is still being collected and processed. Sir Kirayo's elder sister has escaped earlier today from the asylum she was in and is now nowhere to be found. We have no idea if this has anything to do with Sir Kirayo's disappearance, but it most likely will since a coincidence like this is highly questionable. At the moment, there is an obvious sign of struggle in his private quarters, and it appears Sir Kirayo was taken against his own will," He stated.

"Sir Kirayo left as much evidence as he could of his attacker by the looks of things. There are several blood marks around the windows from the intruder that is yet to be identified. We tested the blood, and it does not match with Sir Kirayo's blood sample. There are strands of hair, small ripped pieces of clothing scattered across the place. We are working as diligently as we possibly can, your majesty." Eli finished before bowing his head once again and exiting the room. He had been ordered to give quick updates with each newly-discovered piece of information. He didn't wait for dismissal from the Emperor since he was drowning in work now that Kirayo had gone missing.

You could feel tears welling up in your eyes as you sat next to the Emperor on the leather chairs in his office. Seeing your miserable state, the Emperor's tense face eased up with pity and sadness as he gently held your face within your hands. You couldn't bear to look into the Emperor's eyes as small tears began to drop down your cheeks.

The Emperor leaned in dangerously close before his lips made contact with your skin. The Emperor gently kissed your tears away and pulled you to his torso. Thus you found yourself sitting slumped on top of the Emperor. Was this his way of comforting you? You had no idea whatsoever as the young man continued kissing your cheeks and cheekbones until all that was left were subtle tear stains.

"Dear [Name], precious little tailor. You are not to leave my side, do you understand? We can't have the same thing that happened to Octavi happening to you as well." The Emperor whispered in your ear as he now cradled you in his arms in such an awkward position. His hands rested on your waist and forcibly held you close, so you had no way to retreat from his affections this time.

"I understand, your majesty. The pain is too much for me to bear; I do not know how poorly you must feel if more people disappear." You responded. The Emperor took a deep breath in, inhaling your scent and gently nuzzling his nose into your [H/C] hair.

"If I lose you, I will lose my whole world [Name]. Do not go. Do not leave my side. Stay." The Emperor said, gripping onto you tighter by instinct. Soon, you were entrapped in the Emperor's snake-like embrace for several more moments before his grip finally loosened up, allowing you to return to your seat with reddish eyes.

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