Frogspawn Soap

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"I wish we had a few more days. I can't bear to face McGonagall after the assignment she set," Jackie said, tightening the scarf around her neck, as the statue of the winged boar flew past the window.

The horseless carriages pulled themselves through the open wrought iron gates, up the winding path to Hogwarts. Their rickety wheels cut through the thick snow coating the drive; it pulled up on a gravel patch before the grand oak front doors. The girls piled out, their breaths visible in the cold January air.

The Entrance Hall was quickly filled with chatter and echoing footsteps on the flagged stone floor as students pooled into the warmth. Lily squeezed through the crowd towards the marble staircase followed by Marlene, Jackie and Alice. Reaching the first step, she walked headfirst into someone's chest.


"I'm sorry—oh, Potter." Lily's eyebrows buried themselves in her red hairline as she peeled herself away from him. "Erm, why are you wet?"

James grinned, running his free hand through his messy hair, a few strands falling back and sticking to his forehead, "Oh, you know..."

His eyes flicked to Sirius, equally soaked with snowflakes in his hair, who was making his way towards the group, arms slung around Remus and Peter's shoulders. Looking back at Lily, James noticed a deep emerald scarf poking out the top of her coat. His grin widened.

"Hello, ladies." Sirius plastered a handsome smile on his face as he came to a halt before them. "Good Christmas?"

"No complaints here." Marlene shrugged.

"Excellent. I wouldn't suppose you birds were headed to the common room, were you?"

"No, sorry. We have to find Mary." She shook her head, taking Lily by the arm and proceeding up the staircase with Alice and Jackie in tow.

The Marauders turned to one another.

"Well, boys," Sirius said, shrugging his hair out of his eyes. "The common room awaits." Waiting for no one, he hightailed up the staircase, closely followed by his three best friends.

Smiles firmly set on their faces, they discussed the prank James and Sirius had pulled off over the holiday as they made their way down the Fat Lady's corridor.

"I can't wait to see his face." Sirius laughed. "Cardimona."

"Me neither," Remus shook his head. "You're certain you got the right one?"

"Definitely." James nodded. "Zonko confirmed. It's the best bar in stock."

The portrait swung forward and they all clambered through the awkward hole in the wall.

Peter was the first to enter the circular common room and was met by Nearly Headless Nick's pale body wafting through him. He groaned, swatting his hands at the ghost and shivering at the unpleasant sensation. "I hate when that happens."

James ducked under Nick's head which had fallen unceremoniously off of his neck.

Nick sighed, plonking it back in place and adjusting his ruff, "Pardon me."

"Don't worry about it," James called over his shoulder. He jumped on the couch by the crackling fire. "How was your holiday, Wormy?"

"Too short," Peter said as he collapsed into the armchair—which threatened to swallow him whole—next to James. "I didn't get any study done, I was busy taking care of my mother. She's sick again."

Patting his friend thoughtfully on the shoulder, James turned to Remus and posed the same question.

It wasn't long before the common room was filled with the rest of Gryffindor house, all discussing their Christmases and plans for the new year.

Jily | I Can't Love HimOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora