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^^ Amulet of the General ^^

The fact that my punches only did 6 points of damage was mildly depressing; worse was that Uric's Defense was obviously much higher than 6, and so I did almost no damage at all when I punched him in the nose.

Still, it was very cathartic to see him stand off to the side and tilting his head up to stop the nosebleed I'd caused, while Hellen refused to heal him. "And again, this is why you shouldn't scare people if you're not going to take responsibility; what if she'd been working with acid, and it got tossed when you popped up behind her?!? Her character only has 30 HP, Uric!!!" She chided him harshly.

"Agreed... You're lucky I find your mischief mildly amusing, or I'd just sell the stuff I made for you." I grumbled sleepily, tossing the bundle of arrows at him carelessly.

He fumbled the arrows with one hand while pinching his nose with the other, and barely managed to catch the string that held the bundle together. "Whoa... Metal Arrows? They're not as heavy as you'd expect..." he sent them into his Inventory, then summoned one to read the Descriptor. After a speed-reading, he grinned and showed the screen to Kenny excitedly as Hellen's Aura finally healed him. "Dude!!! Those Golem's are as good as Dead!!!"

"So were going for the Lvl 9 Golem Gate?" I asked while the two of them began talking about their DPS and new Numbers.

"Only if you want; any of them are fine, but some we're better prepared for than others. We can also just hunt outside the Gates, and clean out the Field, but that's less about Loot and more about XP; that said, the XP for killing off Bosses gets bigger and bigger for every Rank up, so even a Level 6 is worth the Time for us, at Lvl 13." Hellen sat down on one of the stools in the room, spinning the chair a bit playfully.

"Which would you be doing right now; disregarding my existence in the scenario?" I clarified.

'Probably the Water Gates; we love the Beach Dungeons, and they're pretty easy to beat if you have an Archer with Volt Arrows or a Mage with Lightning.' -Jack.

"A Volt Arrow? Show me?" I looked at Uric, getting his attention swiftly.

"Oh, uh... here; I've got about 12 left, after the last time we did a Water Dungeon; I'll have to stock up if we're doing one of those today." He summoned a simple copper arrow with what looked like an Arcane Static Emitter just behind the tuning-fork arrowhead encased in a glass bulb, and handed it over.

I examined it carefully, settling it on the clip-stand and moving the magnifying glass over it to look at the construction. "Pretty basic... copper is too heavy for arrows, but very conductive... Aluminum or Tungsten would be better, and more efficient in Conductivity/Weight ratio... Arcane Static Emitter on the end with a Tungsten Tuning Fork inside a Bulb, likely to create some Plasma and spread the Electricity upon impact... I can do Better; give me ten minutes." I waved him off and tossed the arrow to my Acid Slime, which ate it instantly.

"Hey! That thing cost me a whole Gold Coin!!!" He protested instantly.

"I'll make you a few more." I flicked a hand at the Acid Slime, and it began spitting out more of the Arrows instantly.

Blueprint Discovered: Volt Arrow; Tungsten, Arcane Static Emitter, Copper.

Volt Arrow: Ammunition for Long/Shortbow. Deals Lightning Damage.
10% Chance of Stun.
Lightning Dmg = (Agi + Mod + 10) x Wpn.

"Hmph... how about some more Lightning Damage?" I placed a Greater Catalyst on the counter next to me, starting to build a new Arrow. A Tungsten Shaft with a Core and Fletching of Copper would balance out the weight of the head, because of the heavier metal. I used the Arcane Static Emitter and Tuning Fork inside the Bulb method, but shaped the bulb like a pointed teardrop and filled it with Greater Catalyst, before using five Glow-Stones to smooth out the metal and thus enchant the Arrow to Lvl 4.

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