1.6K 97 31

^^ Archimedes' Rifle ^^

'What is the Alchemist SubClass Labyrinthian? Is that like a Daedalus-type Arcane/Scientific Craftsman Class?' -Samantha.

The Chat was, oddly, silent on the matter, and the archive equally so; I removed the Level Filter that made everything from 50 and up invisible, but nothing happened, irritatingly.

'GM, is Labyrinthian a New Class? Or am I just the first person to take it instead of Artillerist, or what?' -Samantha-Bordeaux,-Lead-Reactionary-Coder,-Project-Vikings(R).

GM Notice: 'No one has Chosen it yet; there's only 22 Alchemists of Level 20 and Higher.' The updated class-list, all the way up to 50, appeared in front of me; the cascading list of SubClasses was extensive, with three choices every Rank Up, but I found Rank 3 Artificers quickly.

Archaist: A Rune Mage; specializing in magical enchantments and spells to replace Traps, such as a Rune of Fire in place of a Fire Elemental Trap, or a Rune or Ice on an armor to give resistance to Cold.

Arcanist: A Full Mage; most of the Alchemy Abilities are lost, but the Enchantments become more powerful and varied, and Traps are now Spells that you can cast as Offensive/Defensive Buffs/Damage. Not as powerful, Damage-Wise, as the Mage Class, but a Gifted Support SubClass.

Labyrinthian: A Mad Scientist; specializing in far more potent Traps, Illusions, and Potions, but the worst part is their dabbling in the feared and reviled knowledge of Monsters: their purpose, their abilities, and their Creation...

"Oh... that's dangerous... I love it!" I laughed wildly, taking the Rank-Up immediately.

(Progress Lvl 20: 337,260/55K-> Lvl 21)
(Progress Lvl 21: 282,260/50K-> Lvl 22)
(Progress Lvl 22: 232,260/60K-> Lvl 23)
(Progress Lvl 23: 172,260/70K-> Lvl 24)
(Progress Lvl 24: 102,260/80K-> Lvl 25)
(Progress Lvl 25: 22,260/90K-> Lvl 26)

Congratulations Sam, Level 25 Labyrinthian!
Abilities Unlocked: Grand Artificing, Improved Alchemical Secrets, Improved Servant Contract, Create Automaton, Unholy Splice(2).

Grand Artificing: Turn Stone into Glow-Stone, Animate Intricate Clockwork, Create Grand Elemental Enchantment, Set Grand Arcane Trap, Crafting Options Unlocked!

Curious Alchemical Secrets: the Gestalt Sphere has Boggled your mind for months... but perhaps an application of a quite potent Acid and a Servant Creature could activate it?

Improved Servant Contract: Contract allows the control of Monsters, once they've been beaten to 20% HP. 10% chance of non-beaten creature of a lower level being effected by Contract,(increases 10% every level below the Contractor). Contract allows Telepathic Communication with Creatures with at least an Intelligence of 2. The Prerequisite for the Contract is Contact with Creature. (Maximum 1 Contract per 1 point of Charisma and Intelligence. Contracting more creatures will release the first creature Contracted.)

Create Automaton: Create an NPC Servant; Non-Combat, intended as a Crafting Assistant or ShopKeep. (Now Capable of Skilled Tasks, such as mixing potions of Rarity 2.)

UnHoly Splice(2): Recombine the Essences of two Monsters you've creature to create a new creature with the Skills of the two 'Parents'.

"I dig the Frankenstein Vibes... and this is just Breeding but for creatures of different species, it seems? We shall see what crazy concoctions I create... Mwahahahahaha!!!" I cackled evilly while sending my new DPS to the Party to include in their planning.

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