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Check out my new story 'Arcade'! Taehyung and Y/N both lose someone special in their lives, causing them to be drawn to each other. However, they might end up playing a rather dangerous game...


Taehyung POV

A few days later

I get up after a rough night with little sleep.
Y/N has been on my mind all night, the last few nights actually. I should probably talk to her today when I see her, ask her how she feels. I have been texting her and we plan to go on another date, but I don't know if it's just friendly for her or if she actually feels something for me.

I groan as I shove the last piece of breakfast down my throat, earning a questioning look from Jungkook. He looks me up and down, scanning my facial expressions.

"Don't ask, not now" I mumble, to which he just sighs. He probably knows what it is about, but I really don't want to start my morning like that. Jimin comes around the corner, tapping his watch.

"Hurry up ladies, I still want to get coffee at the coffee stand before the line gets too long" He says with a 'as a matter of fact' expression.


We arrive at the campus with coffee in our hands, something I definitely needed. I take a sip of the hot beverage and step inside of the building. I spot all of the soccer players crowding together. I really don't want to deal with any of that right now.

"I'll be right back, I have to go to the bathroom" I say whilst downing my coffee and throwing the cup away.

"Do you have to go to the bathroom or are you running away from the boys?" Jungkook asks me. I groan, I shouldn't be avoiding them, but I'm suffering from a mood right now.

"I guess both" I say before walking off. I reach the bathroom and quickly walk over to the sink, leaning myself on it and getting the water running. I'm a mess, but why? I shouldn't worry so much, but here I am. I'm such an idiot.

I splash some water in my face before turning off the sink. I stare at myself in the mirror, eye bags clearly visible. I sigh before picking up my bag and walking off. I reach the hallways again and decide to look for Y/N. I need to talk to her, I need to talk to someone who understands me and will listen to me.

As I roam the hallways looking for Y/N, I hear several shouts. The curiosity in me takes over and I decide to follow the noises. The shouts are getting louder and more distinguished, it's Jimin. I fasten my pace and turn the last corner, walking right into what seems like a fight about to start.

I see Jimin and Jungkook together with Namjoon and Hoseok standing on one side, and Chanyeol, one of my teammates together with the other teammates on the other side.

"You fucking did it didn't you?? You slept with her!" Chanyeol shouts as I rush over to Jimins side.

"So what if I did? What does she mean to you, she isn't your girlfriend dude" Jimin spats back.

"I like her Jimin, do you actually listen to anything we say to you during practise??" Chanyeol shouts.

"Of course I don't! Mostly it's just a load of bull-" Jimin shouts but gets interrupted by Chanyeol's fist landing on his cheek. Jimin stumbles back, but quickly regains his posture and is ready to hit back, but before he could, I step in.

"Stop this absolute nonsense! What the hell do you two think you're doing??" I shout, silencing the two of them.

"Arguing is one thing, but fighting each other?? We are supposed to be brothers for gods sake!" I shout in frustration. People are now staring and no one is daring to say a word.

"Jimin, you shouldn't be so harsh on him and try to understand how he feels" I say scolding him. Jimin looks at me and scoffs, but nods. I move my gaze to Chanyeol who is looking at me with dark eyes.

"As for you, Jimin didn't know how you felt Chan, he wouldn't purposely do something like that to you, no one here would" I state. Chanyeol looks up and his eyes darken even more, making him slowly step forward. I try to stay put, I have to show some level of dominance, but he is for sure intimidating me.

"We are brothers and have to be there for each other, no one did anything wrong before we started shouting at each other" I explain.

"Are you sure about that captain? Are you sure no one did anything wrong?" Kai states, appearing behind Chanyeol. I'm confused, did something else happen? They seem to notice my confused expression and Kai chuckles.

"You are not as innocent as you might think Taehyung, not as innocent as all of these people here think" Kai states, confusing me even more. Is this still about Jennie?

"You dumped Jennie, you did her dirty with the way you treated her" Chanyeol states.

"We were willing to look past that since you're our captain, but when we find out you're already going on a date with another girl a few days later, the matter changes doesn't it?" He continues with an evil smirk.

Wait, on a date with another girl? Do they mean Y/N? But how could they possibly know about that? They could only know if they saw me... Oh god. I widen my eyes and I see their facial expressions change. I have to do something, I can't let the team fall out over this, I can't let them harass Y/N over this, I need to do something.

"It was just friendly, it meant nothing we are just friends, nothing else!" I state in complete desperation, only now realising what I just said.

"Was it? From what I saw, it looked completely different, in fact, you even tried to kiss her" Kai states, making me want to soak into the ground.

"No it's not-" I start but get interrupted by someone.

"Is it true?" An all to familiar voice asks me. I close my eyes, already knowing who it is and slowly turn around, even though I really don't want to right now. There she is, Jennie in her full glory with a tear running down her cheek.

"You went on a date with another girl and tried to kiss her? Only a few days after we broke up Taehyung?" She asks me with complete and utter sadness in her voice and eyes. I really want to lie to her right now, but she doesn't deserve that, not after everything I've put her through. She deserves to know the truth, but what is the truth? For me, it wasn't friendly, but perhaps it was for Y/N.

"I-' I start but freeze when I see someone I really don't want here right now. It's Y/N. When I lock my gaze with her, I see tears rolling down her cheeks, she looks hurt. Did she hear everything I just said? As I want to make my way towards her, Jennie seems to notice my gaze locked with Y/N's and sighs.

"Don't worry Taehyung, this time I'm just extremely disappointed" Jennie states before walking off. I stand there, not knowing what to do. As I see Y/N wiping her tears and walking off I find myself standing there with two choices.

Go after Jennie or after Y/N. Jennie is the girl I've been with for a long time, a girl I care about. I feel like I should explain myself to her, tell her what's really going on. But then there is Y/N, the girl who has been there for me in tears, the girl I like.

What should I do?

A/N: Hey loves! Sorry if this chapter is shitty, I couldn't really focus today, but really wanted to write. Thank you so much for the reads!! I never expected anyone to actually read this, I started this because I needed a new activity during quarantine since I have to stay at home until the 1st of June... But this is great!! It motivates me to write even more and I finally have an activity I'm passionate about again, so thank you!!

Stay safe, stay healthy and most importantly, stay home, I love you all.

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