Chapter 18: Explain

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Chapter 18: Explain

Y/N went to Jungkook's room and saw him changing his clothes.

"Why does Taehyung act as if he also owns this house?" Y/N inquired.

"What are you saying?" Jungkook asked.

"I just ask him why he's here but he told me he can stay here whenever he wants." Y/N retorted.

"Which was right." Jungkook replied.

"What?" Y/N asked.

"He's right, he can stay here whenever he wants. This isn't my whole property, hyung was also the owner of this house. He was a friend of hyung so that means he can also do whatever he wants." Jungkook stated.

"But Jungkook, if he's also here, it will be annoying. I don't want to see his face, I can't live with him." Y/N replied.

"That's not my problem anymore. If you're sensitive that much, then do something." Jungkook simply retorted.

"What? You're taking his side? I'm your girlfriend, if he stays here with us, I don't think that would be fine for me." Y/N stated.

"You're my girlfriend but that doesn't mean I will always take your side. I don't see any problem with him being here." Jungkook uttered.

"What is he to you, huh?" Y/N asked

"What do you mean by that question?" Jungkook asked confusedly.

"Why he's so important to you? I'm right here in front of you but why still him? Didn't I try to give everything to you just to make our relationship work again? But why do I feel like I'm just the one who's doing it?" Y/N inquired.

"I tried too but I guess this won't work again." Jungkook replied looking straight at her face.

"Jungkook" Y/N muttered.

"I don't feel what I felt with you before. This is not the same feeling anymore. I want to feel the spark and how I go crazy when I'm with you but it's fully gone." Jungkook said.

"It's because we are just starting yet. Jungkook, trust me, we can work this. We just need to make this work together." Y/N insisted.

"I don't know, I don't feel satisfied with you. How can we make this relationship if I feel not doing it anymore? Besides, when you left me, everything changes in these past few years." Jungkook asserted.

"Jungkook, we can't go back to the past but we still can make a new one. We don't need to feel what we should feel, I'm here now. Forget the past and let's start a new one, please, let's make it happen." Y/N replied almost sound like she was begging.

"Fine, that's what you say. But once I give up, we will end everything." Jungkook retorted.

"Thank you, Jungkook." Y/N smiled hugging him tightly.

Jungkook sighed, he can't push her away right now since she was also right, they were just starting yet. Maybe, they can work it out together, she was his first love after all.

"Taehyung, son, how are you?" His mother asked when she saw Taehyung coming inside.

"My head hurts." Taehyung wails hugging her.

"That's okay, that's really common for the first-timer." His mother chuckled.

"Still, those stupid beers hurt me." Taehyung whines.

"You are still in hangover, come on, sit down and I'll make soup for you, hmm?" His mother said cupping his bread cheeks.

Taehyung nodded his head, he sat down on the chair in the dining room while his mom proceeded to cook.

"Hey, JK, are you ready?" Harley asked stopping in front of Jungkook with Y/N clinging on Jungkook's arm.

"For what?" Jungkook responded confusedly.

"We have a basketball game today, Coach Kim was waiting for us to have a practice. Are you going?" Harley inquired.

"Yeah, sure." Jungkook responded.

"That's good, I'll see you in the gymnasium." Harley grinned and continue to leave.

"Jungkook, are you really going to play?" Y/N suddenly.

"Of course, I'm the captain of the group, they needed me there." Jungkook replied opening his locker.

"But they can play without you, you don't need to go there." Y/N retorted

"What's the reason you're stopping me?" Jungkook inquired with his stern tone.

"I want you to focus on me to work our relationship. This day is the start, Jungkook." Y/N said.

"If you want this relationship to work, then let me do whatever I want. Don't be selfish." Jungkook retorted gritting his teeth and slamming the door of his locker.

He left Y/N dumbfounded in the hallway and proceeded to go to the gymnasium.

Jungkook arrived at the gymnasium, he was already wearing his jersey and he just accidentally made those crowd scream since they love to see Jungkook wearing a jersey, they found him hot in every angle.

"What a good charisma you have. I'm not even surprised why girls and guys admiring you " Harley smirked.

"Let's just start the practice. Don't mind them, we have to win this battle." Jungkook simply replied ignoring those screams for him.

"Here's your soup, finish them so you will feel fine." Taehyung's mother said setting down the soup on the table.

Taehyung immediately drinks the soup, he can't help but let out a satisfying moan and hiss.

"Be careful your tongue might get burned." His mother warned ruffling his hair.

Taehyung simply hums in response, enjoying his breakfast and forgetting his class that will start.

"Who are they?" Jungkook asked Harley while looking at the opponent's team.

"Ah, them? They're from Gwangju University. As far as I know, they won many times with the other university they were known for having strong and best teams in basketball and also one of the members there was Taehyung's crush. I wanna see Taehyung here and watch his reaction, I'm sure he'll blush." Harley giggled.

"Just focus practicing, don't speak nonsense." Jungkook coldly uttered.

He passed the ball to Harley, rolling his eyes. He doesn't like the news that he heard. Taehyung likes him but also has a crush on someone, no way he will share Taehyung with someone.

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