Chapter 20: Argue

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Chapter 20: Argue

When Jungkook went to the boy's restroom, he saw Y/N standing outside while crossing her arms.

"What's gotten in your mind to do that? Are you insane?" Y/N started while clenching her fist.

Jungkook simply ignore her, he was about to pass her by but Y/N held his wrist.

"Why are you ignoring me? I'm asking you, Jungkook!" Y/N said gritting her teeth.

"I don't need to answer your question." Jungkook simply replied.

"You said you want to work our relationship but why are you doing this to me?" Y/N inquired while trying to control her tears.

"I didn't say I want to work it, I just pitied you that's why I agree to TRY it." Jungkook clarified.

"You just pitied me? Don't you feel ashamed of what you did? Everyone thinks I'm your girlfriend but you treat me like trash." Y/N grumbled.

"Because you are, do you really think it's easy to forget what you did?" Jungkook retorted.

"Past is past Jungkook, you should forget it! Why are you still stuck in the past?" Y/N asked frustratingly.

"It's because you hurt me! I can't forget how you cheated on me and how you used me! You made me worst because of what you did! Why I'm like this because of you!" Jungkook stated.

"That's why I'm here to fix you, Jungkook. I want to heal you and help you to forget about that. Why you can't at least appreciate it? Why don't you open your heart for me again?" Y/N asked tears building in her eyes.

"You can't fix the broken glass, you can't fix me. I can't move on every time I see you. What you did keeps flashing in my mind when you're with me. How did you expect me to let you in my heart if my heart doesn't want to? How will you heal me if you're the one who broke me apart?" Jungkook said trying to control his tears as well.

"Why don't you treat me as your girlfriend? That's just what I want you to do. Is that hard for you? Am I not worthy enough for you?" Y/N argued back.

"It's hard to trust you anymore. I told you, it's not the same feeling as before. You waste me back then, you shouldn't take back your leftover." Jungkook responded.

"Didn't you feel at least a little bit of love for me?" Y/N asked with hoping eyes.

"If I have love in my heart, that's not for you. It's for someone else." Jungkook said and proceeded to walk.

"It's for Taehyung, right?" Y/N asked.

Jungkook stopped in his path and sighed.

"You don't have to know, let's end this stupidity of us. We're done." Jungkook declared and got inside the restroom.

Y/N fell on the floor, crying hard while her heart broke into pieces.

Taehyung leaves Jimin alone in the hallway. Taehyung went into the boy's restroom in the gymnasium. He opens it and saw Jungkook shirtless.

He can't help but blushed because he saw many pieces of bread. He shrugged off his thoughts and bit his bottom lips. He cleared his throat earning Jungkook's attention.

"What are you doing here?" Jungkook asked while drying off his hair.

"We need to talk." Taehyung said with a hint of seriousness in his tone.

He didn't mind those stares of the other players, looking at them. Jungkook picks his shirt and wore his clothes.

"About what?" Jungkook asked looking at him

"About of that fucking kiss!" Taehyung retorted and immediately grabbed Jungkook's collar.

Jungkook wasn't that in a good mood. He pushed Taehyung pinned him on the locker causing Taehyung to let out a yelp and get shocked by his sudden action.

"Not now, Taehyung. I'm not in the mood to talk with you." Jungkook sighed tiredly.

"I don't care, I will ruin your mood no matter what happens until you talk to me." Taehyung insisted.

"What's wrong with that? I bet you like it, don't act as if you hate it that much." Jungkook sneered.

"You stole my first kiss, what do you mean by I like it? I hate it so much that I wanted to vomit. How dare you do that in front of my crush, huh? Are you crazy?" Taehyung retorted furiously.

"Do you have a problem with that? I can see you're enjoying it." Jungkook snickered, licking his bottom lip.

"You just fucking kiss me in front of a lot of people, and your girlfriend. That's so disgusting, everyone will hate me because of what you did. You don't know about that because you don't care!" Taehyung yelled

"So?"Jungkook simply retorted.

Taehyung looked at him with obvious shock. He can't believe that Jungkook replied like that.

"What do you mean so? Are you crazy? They know were enemy, why didn't think about my images? I hate you! Why would you kiss me in the first place! At least feel guilty. You have a girlfriend, don't you think about her? She will get hurt because of what you did!" Taehyung stated.

Jungkook sighed letting him go, he doesn't want to hear anything about her.

"I did it just because I want to, you're too distracted with that boy. I guess my idea works, don't you think so?" Jungkook replied ignoring Taehyung's last sentence.

"I can drool and be distracted by him. You shouldn't mind me after all. Besides, you can't just do it because you want to. Why do you have to be so stupid? The most of my enemy, you're the worst." Taehyung retorted.

"Don't worry, among of my enemy, you're the best." Jungkook teased.

Taehyung pushed Jungkook away and of course, he kicked Jungkook's groin.

"It's nonsense talking with you, why do I bother myself to come here? Yoongi hyung was right, I should've killed you already. Next time, I'll kill you." Taehyung stated and pushed Jungkook once again.

He left the boy's restroom while Jungkook was hissing in pain.

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