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A/N : So I originally wanted to create a chapter with just Yoongi and the reader but ya'll seem to enjoy to have Yoongi, reader and kid in one so I'll be doing that instead. Besides, we still have quite a few chapters to go so I suppose there will be enough time for Yoongi and the reader ;)


" Yoongii, I'm bored." You whined as you entered the room.

" Do I look like an entertainer to you? Go bother someone else." He said, not looking away from the screen im fromt of him.

" Fine, I'll go see if Jin has something to do." You mumbled as you turned around and walked into the livingroom.

" On second tough, let's go watch a movie." Yoongi said as he turned you back around as you were already by the door.

You smiled at him.

" Let's watch Bambi 2." You smiled as you both sat down on the couch.

" What? No. Let's watch something else."
He sat as you both started a small argument.

Which ended just as quick as your phone went off.

" Hello?" You asked as you picked up, not knowing who had called you.

" Hello Y/N. I know that you and Yoongi have a free weekend, but I'd like to inform you two about the child that would be coming monday." Your teacher said.

" Oh, uh alright. Would you like to come over or talk on the phone?" You asked her.

" I'd like to come over actually, are you two free and in the apartment right now?" She asked.

" Yes, we're free." You answerd.

" Good, I'll be there in a minute." She said before abruptly hanging up.

" Who called?" Yoongi asked, still looking at movies.

" Our teacher. She wanted to explain something about the child coming monday, so she's coming over to tell us." You shrugged.

" But Y/N, we were busy.~" He whined, slumping down on the couch.

" You're like one of the most unproductive people I know Yoongi, besides all we did so far was whine over movies. Our teacher will explain some things about the kid that'd be arriving monday." You told him.

He was about to complain again when the doorbell rung.

" Hello miss, come in. Would you like a drink?" You asked as you opened the door.

She shook her head before smiling at you.

" No thank you, I'll just explain and leave again, let you two enjoy the rest of the weekend." She said.

" Alright. Come on in. Sorry for the mess by the way, we weren't expecting anyone over." You said as you let her in, tough it was kind of a lie, your apartment wasn't a mess.

" This is honestly the cleanest apartment I've seen so far." She said as she took her shoes off before walking in the livingroom.

" Thank you." You said before sitting down on one of the two couches.

" Hello Yoongi." She greeted the boy, who nodded in response.

" I have to admit that I am quite pleased and suprised at your grades. Tough I will have to lower your grade by a whole point Yoongi, because you didn't help Y/N in the first week or two." She said as Yoongi nodded, not really giving a response.

He had forgotten the fact that this project was just for a grade. When he was with you and Naeun, he truly felt like he had a family. It wasn't that he didn't have one, but his family was rich and more business orientated.

" Alright so for the next part of the project, you two will have a child by the nane of Jaehyun. He's five years old and a little shy but otherwise I tough he was pretty okay. However, I have gotten the documents of him yesterday and tough It would be better to inform you beforehand. The main problem is that I had no idea on who I could put him with, because he's quite energetic and won't listen to any of the adults, in fact, I tough about not taking him in at all, and just letting him stay within the orphanage. He's also 'returned' a lot, because he wouldn't listen or whatsoever. You two have the highest grades of the first part of the project, and I've heard that Naeun was quite difficult too until she was in your arms Y/N, so I hoped that this would also work for Jaehyun. These are his files." She explained as she handed you a map, Yoongi moving over to look at it over your shoulder.

Your teacher smiled as she saw Yoongi's action, knowing that he was a bit of a distant person.

" If I'm honest miss, I think this will go smoothly." Yoongi said.

The teacher raised her brow.

" Oh, and why's that?" She asked.

" Because we managed our whining baby too, besides Y/N has some kind of magical touch or something. We'll be fine." He huffed.

" Alright then, if you say so. I'll be going now, I have a few other students to inform too." She said as Yoongi and you nodded, eyes scanning over the file.

" You really think we're responsible enough for this?" You asked Yoongi as she left, uncertainty in your voice.

" Hey, don't doubt yourself, we managed a baby, and they're awake at night. We'll be okay." He smiled at you.

" Alright if you say so." You smiled back at him.

" Uh huh, I'm a genius, don't worry. Now let's watch Bambi." He said as he turned on the tv, which was displaying Bambi 2's intro already.

You looked at it with a suprised expression, you don't remember putting the movie on.

" I put it on while you welcomed our teacher in." Yoongi smirked as he threw an arm over your shoulder and pulled you into his embrace, allowing you to cuddle up to him.



" Why are you crying?" Yoongi asked you as he felt water dripping onto his shirt.

" Bambi lost his mother! That's just so ssd, can you even imagine-"

" Okay, you know what let's watch another movie now."

The Baby Project: The Asshole || M.YG ✔Where stories live. Discover now