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" Do we have everything?" You yelled to Yoongi from across the apartment.

The school had decided that you all would get to relax a bit, and managed to get an excursion gling to the beach. To say that you were excited was understandable. Everyone was.

" Yeah almost, we're only missing a little rascal!" Yoongi yelled back, before a wild Jaehyuk emerged from the room Yoongi was in in his underwear.

" Mummy, dadda's going to grab me!" The little underwear boy yelled, hiding behind your legs.

You hummed in response.

" C'mon buddy. All big boys wear their pants."Says Yoongi tiredly as he appeared from the bedroom with Hyuk's pants in hand.

You giggle at his face and he sighs and scrunches his nose in response.

"Mum, your child won't listen." Yoongi deadpans as he throws Hyuk's swimming trunks at you.

" Oh, so now he's my child?" You ask him amused as he plopped down on the couch in 'exhaustion.

" He got the stubbornness from you, so yes at the moment he is." Yoongi smiled lazily.

" Hyuk, did you know that Spiderman always wears his swimming trunks whenever he goes to the beach with aunt May?" You ask Hyuk with a smile.

Yoongi watches in amusement as Hyuk's eyes widen.

" No. I didn't. I wanna be Spiderman when I become big too!" Jaehyuk exclaimed as he grabbed his swimming trunks from your hands and put them on backwards front.

Yoongi looked at you with a pout, hoping that you would manage to get Jaehyuk to wear his swimming trunks properly.

You smiled and shook your head.

" Nope. I already fixed the big problem." You mused, zipping up the beach bag in front of you.

Yoongi groaned but got up nonetheless, making sure that his son's swimming trunks were put on correctly.


" GUYSS! I'M SO EXCITED! WE'RE GOING TO HAVE SO MUCH FUN." Areum greeted you, Jaehyuk and Yoongi, who were already seated in the bus.

Jaehyuk was getting comfortable in Yoongi's lap, and he was sitting beside the window. You were sitting beside him, and Taehyung, Areum and Hyeon were now seated in the seats across the path from you. Jin, Mina and Soojun also entered the bus and joined your little group.

" I know right?! I braught water balloons." You winked at Areum and Mina.

Jin gasped dramatically while Yoongi furrowed his brows.

" Hold up, you braught what now?" Yoongi asked alarmed.

You winked at him in response.

" Alright students. We're all here right? If not too bad, we're leaving anyway.-" Your teacher spoke as the engine started.

" Okay kids. I'll tell you the plan for when we arrive. It's gonna be pretty simple. Once we arrive, we all walk together to the beach, and from there you can do your thing. At six we have dinner all together by a food tent which we'll show you later, and afterwardw we will be going back to the apartments. Also, for safety, do not let the toddlers go swimming without you and not without swimming bands either. Keep a close eye on them. That's all, we'll be arriving in around twenty minutes for those who are wondering." Your teacher finished speaking and sat down with the other two teachers.

" Do you have swimming band thingies for Hyuk packed or do we have to buy them there?" Yoongi asked, making you turn to him.

" No, I went to the convenience store earlier this week to get some for him, we're good." You smiled back at him.

Jaehyuk was fast asleep on Yoongi's lap.

" Guys, we are totally staying together right?" Areum asked everyone as you all nodded with a big smile.


" No, not there. There's too sunny." Yoongi aomplained as you were all lookimg for a reasonable spot.

" Everywhere's sunny, Yoongi." Mina deadpanned.

Yoongi shrugges as response.

" Cool, let's settle down here." you smiled as you plopped your bag in the sand.

You guys had managed to find a nice spot between the sea and the restaurant you were all meeting at later.

Yoongi looked betrayed as you unpacked.

" I can't believe it. My own girlfriend is turning against me." Yoongi said dramatically, putting a hand over his heart as if he was actually hurt.

You rolled your eyes in response.

" I want to go swimming. Soojunnie, want to come with?" Jin asked his boy, who nodded with a smile.

" Oh, me too!"

" Yes, and me!" Hyeon and Hyuk joined.

" I'm coming too." Taehyung claimed.

" I'll go too." You smiled.

" I'm staying here guys, I want to get tan." Mina smiled at you all.

" I'll come with!" Areum jumped up from her spot, taking her shirt off in process, revealing her bikini.

" I'm staying here." Yoongi muttered with his eyes closed already, ready to nap.

" Here, hold this." You rolled your eyes as you threw your shirt at him, revealing your own bikini.

He huffed as he sat up on the towel, whining before opening his eyes and running them appreciatively over your figure.

And even tough you couldn't see it, Jin did too. Yoongi didn't miss that.

You winked at your boyfriend, turning around to leave. ( Your shorts are swimming shorts)

" Yah Y/N." Yoongi caught up with you as you all walked down in the waters.

He chucked his own shirt, which he had discarded a moment after you, at you.

You looked ar him with a questionable expression.

" You, don't see it, but I don't like the way Jin's eyes follow your ass." Yoongi stated bluntly.

You blinked at him before smiling.

" Well, he knows he can only look at me. I'm yours after all." You told him gently.

He sighed and took his shirt from your hands softly, helping you put your head trough the collar of it.

" I know that he knows that we're dating, but that doesn't mean I like it when he stares at my woman." Yoongi wishpered in your ear as you had put the shirt on.

You blinked in suprise.

You never tough that Yoongi would feel a little possesive. And honestly, you found it a little hot.

He bit his lip as he stepped away from you with a smirk.

" Better." He muttered as he walked away.

This time, he had left you speechless.

[A/N: Yello folks. I uploaded another story 🙃. ( bad decision I know.) This one's for my Dutch readers, and it's for now only readable in Wattpad. It's called 'Wanted' and it's a Jungkook X reader. ( another shameless self promotion lmao) Anyway, hope you enjoyed the update lol. Only two more chapters folks. R u curious what'll happen with Jaehyuk? I'm curious as to what u think, do you think he'll stay or will he be braught back to the adoption centre?👀👀]

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