chapter 4

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George as promised. I don't know if it's working because I can see the picture on my computer but not on my phone aaaaahh! Art from pinterest, you can imagine the characters how you want though bbs (^_<)〜☆ (next will be Victor I think or Leige who do you want to see?)

Also if you read chapter 3 before I changed it all I changed was that no one picked him up (last line of last chap) because I felt that the story was developing too quickly (*ノ∀'*) (It's kind of annoying because I already wrote this chap before I decided to change it                     ψ( ' ∇ ' )ψ)


I stared at Yumi hopefully. She hesitated a bit before offering

"I-I can try..?" My arms were already lifted and ready as she attempted to lift me. She got as far as lifting my waist before tripping on some imaginary thing and collapsing on me. She yelped and I let out a grunt as she fell on me. I was rather surprised at how toned this body was, although I thought it was the body of a weak, frail, delicate little boy as I was able to hold Yumi so we both didn't tumble over. "S-sorry Sir Leige-sama!! Are you ok?! Oh God I shouldn't have d-"


"Hey!!" as I was about to lift her off of me, a voice resounded in the narrow corridor leading to the staircase. I lifted Yumi off with a grunt as I glanced briefly at where the voice came from. I sighed.. there was a whole gaggle of students waiting for me to look at them. As I scanned their faces, I immediately recognised the two leading the ducks. Two of the main leads of the game..... what a pain. Although I couldn't remember their names, their vividly coloured hair compared to the browns and dull haired ducks made it obvious they were some sort of important people with roles in the game. My indifference to them must have been clearly displayed on my face as they turned a shade of red. "Y-You!"

The one with blue hair shouted at me, seemingly regaining his composure as he pointed a finger at me. Me? I looked around and turned back to him. It was me he was talking about. Could I just crawl away unnoticed? Let's try it. I had only placed a hand on the stair when the red one immediately tried to blast me with ice. Are you kidding me right now? I shot my hand back and glanced at him warily.

Other than the fact that that was just the fastest I had ever moved in my life, I found it sort of funny that the red one had an ice type magic. Knowing the way games go, the blue one probably had a fire type magic. 

Yumi yelped and immediately stood in front of me. "Sir Leige-sama, are you ok? Do you need he-" I nodded at her wearily, cutting her off as I sensed one of her rants coming up. I peered over her shoulder to see a flabbergasted flock of ducks. 

"Y-You! Get away from him!! We know what he did!! You don't have to protect him!" one of the two halves of a bubblegum squashie (forgive my British humour *represent* if you don't get it just look it up if you're bothered) shouted. As Yumi was standing protectively in front of me, the details of this scene came to me.

Leige had taken an interest in Yumi and supposedly trapped her next to the staircase, attempting to kiss her as she let out a frightened scream. Depending on the route you (the player) was on, one of the leads would find Yumi and protect her. In this case, seeming as George was already ruled out of the equation, the game world had randomly picked a route to follow. What a pain..

"What is going on here?" I was busy lazily peering over Yumi's shoulder when a new voice cut through the air. I was too lazy to turn my head to the start of the corridor where the voice came from, but judging by how the whole flock stiffened and slowly turned towards a voice made it clear the woman was a teacher, or someone highly respected in the school.

"M-miss! Leige over here was bullying the new student, so we saved her! He deserves some punishment!" the blue guy spoke up and like the flock of ducks they were, everyone nodded after him. 

"That's right! He was trying to hurt her when they saved her!!" A chorus of "yeahs" filled the already crowded corridor. 

"Silence." the teachers cold voice cut through the noise again, making the corridor quiet again. This woman could be a knife for how many times she cut through the noise. As I was wondering how she could be a knife if she was not an object, and so on, her gaze turned on me. "Leige. Are you bullying again? It seems the weeks worth of punishments did nothing to you." her gaze turned to the ice only beginning to deteriorate, not melt, indicating it was magic.

 She probably knew that I couldn't use magic, seeing how familiar she was with me. Well, at least I don't have to explain myself.

"Eiichi and Eiji Capell... known for their rate 3 ice and fire magic while only being first years.. only you, Eiji Capell, could do this, correct? And I assume you know using magic in school unsupervised is against the rules, correct? And to use that magic violently, well, I assume you know what I mean judging by the terrified look on your face." and she does it again. wow, this lady meets my expectations every time, if not topping them. A knife, a real knife.. how impressive. "May I ask, why did you use magic? Evidently against Leige?" what a terrifying woman. The ducks must have thought the same as they tried to escape her glare. 

"I-I um u-used magic b-because... because he tried to hurt the girl!!" redhead seemingly regained his confidence after this. The teacher raised her eyebrows at me, but before I had the chance to reply.. not that I was going to anyway, Yumi jumped in.

"M-Miss, I think there has been a misunderstanding, um, Sir Leige-sama and I were playing and I accidentally tripped and fell on him! He did nothing wrong, in fact, if I may say, they acted unnecessarily and nearly hurt him!" I was rather surprised that she stood up for me. I guess she really is a heroine.

I saw the teacher staring at me, probably waiting for an explanation, but I just nodded my head along with Yumi's answer. She sighed, and pinched her nose.

"Leige, for some reason I don't believe you have anything to do with this.. Eiji, Leige, come with me. Ah, commoner girl, come too." redhead looked as he was about to cry before glaring at me as if to say it was all me fault. I simply ignored him as I lazily stood up and stretched my arms slightly before beginning to follow the knife.

I looked back to see Yumi trembling nervously. I sighed and pulled her arm so she would follow. Bluehead and the rest of the flock of ducks looked shocked but once they caught my gaze, they all glared at me fiercely. Christ.

Well, I suppose we are going on an adventure.

a little note-

if you haven't realised yet, I'm too lazy to explain the change of povs so I just make an obnoxiously large space to say that there has been a change in pov. I hope that makes stuff clear. Also I always see your comments, thank you!! ╰(*'︶'*)╯♡

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