Chapter Fourteen: Fire

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"The mines are all activated," announces Alvis. It's now early evening and we're getting ready to hunt. 

"Good," says Cato, "You can stay here, Alvis and have a rest."

"Thanks" beams Alvis, surprised that Cato is being nice to him. Cato hands him a spear to guard with and we head off. 

Our hunting night is largely unsuccessful and about half-way through, Cato decides to split the group up-I go off with Marina, Peeta and Clove, Cato goes with Glimmer. 

After a few hours, we look in the woods for any tributes, with Clove using small animals as target practice because she's bored. This makes me feel a bit queasy but I do my best to pretend not to notice. 

It's nearing dawn when suddenly there's a scampering of hooves and a herd of deer stampede in our direction. They're followed by Cato. 

"Run!" he yells, as he barges past us. I see Glimmer a few feet away, panting for breath, and behind her...a wall of fire. 

Clove swears and she, Peeta and Marina turn tail and run. I'm about to follow but just at that moment Glimmer trips and falls onto the forest floor. Her terrified green eyes meet mine.

My brain screams that I shouldn't go back to her. There can only be one victor and it's better that she dies sooner rather than later. But then I small part of me reminds me of the promise I made to Moonshine: to protect her where I can. 

I can't allow a girl I've known since childhood, a girl who's the cousin of my best and only friend, to burn to death. My body moves without by brain's permission. I don't think; I just act. I run towards the fire, grab Glimmer and haul her to her feet, pushing her away from the wall of fire. 

"Marvel, come on!" yells Marina, who's waiting for us. We join her and together the three of us race after Cato, Clove and Peeta. 

As I flee from this wall of fire, I'm filled with fear. I've never felt this way before. I'm built to be a predator not prey. And yet as I run, all my training disappears in an instance. All I can think of is how unfair this all is. Marina was right-we are all just kids. More importantly, I'm just a kid.

I don't deserve to die like this. 

I focus on Cato and Clove ahead. Even though both Clove and Peeta had a head-start, Clove's outstripped him by far. It's clear they're good runners and unlike me, Marina and Glimmer, they never falter and I can see their muscles as they run. They've been trained to run at District 2. 

Thankfully, within minutes we've reached our camp. The wall of fire stops; evidently we've got where the Gamemakers want us to go. 

Glimmer, Peeta and I sink to the ground, breathless. Marina grabs a flask of water from her pack and drains the bottle. Cato and Clove merely stand there. 

"Well it's clear the Gamemakers don't want us hunting there, " laughs Clove. Marina smiles at her weakly. 

"I say we all get some sleep," says Cato, "It's been a long night and I want us all ready to fight."

"What for?" asks Peeta

"Tomorrow, I want to take down Thresh," announces Cato. We stare at him. 

"Are you serious?" asks Marina, breaking the silence. 

"Doubting Cato's ability?" asks Glimmer smugly. I realise this is her doing and I remember Gloss's instruction-to remove Katniss and Thresh from the Games as early on as possible. 

"No, " says Marina carefully, "just..."

"We don't know what's in that section of the arena," says Clove cautiously, "There could be all sorts of traps."

"Scared?" challenges Glimmer.

Within seconds, one of Clove's knives is at Glimmer's throat, "Never  call me scared, " she whispers dangerously. 

"Ok. It's dawn. " I say loudly, "Why don't we all get some sleep and discuss this this evening?"

Clove removes her knife from Glimmers throat, throws her a look, and marches towards her tent. Marina follows. 

Glimmer, trembling, looks at me for an instant but then quickly looks away, resumes a haughty expression and with exaggerated nonchalance, gets into her tent. Me, Cato and Peeta each get into ours. 

At sunset, Alvis wakes us up and we each prepare to go hunting. I make my way slowly out of my tent and grab my spears. 

As much as killing Thresh is a priority, I'm not exactly enthusiastic about fighting him. Even if we do bring him down, the chances of us all surviving are unlikely. 

Cato and Glimmer are already up, with Cato gesturing to Glimmer excitedly, pointing to the coin field. Clove is sitting on a rock assembling her knives and Peeta is clutching his knife, looking a bit pale.

 As Marina emerges from her tent, she gasps, and our eyes follow her to the lake. 

There, half submerged in the water, is Katniss. 

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