Chapter Sixteen: A Rude Awakening

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I'm in the Hunger Games and I'm running away from a terrifying monster. I can't see it but I know it's there. It's making a buzzing noise and I know it's getting closer because it's getting louder and louder and louder...

My eyes snap open. All I can hear is buzzing. I'm lying on the floor, surrounded by insects and they're all over me, stinging me. I'm still foggy and confused from my dream, and all I feel is fear. I hear Marina scream and blurrily make out the figure of Clove racing towards the lake. 

I don't think. I just scramble to my feet, grab my spear and force myself to move after them. I manage to get myself to run, swatting away the insects that come buzzing relentlessly after me. 

All I can do is to race after Cato and Clove. It's either that or let the fear consume me and if that happens, I know I will fall to the ground, unable to move, as the insects kill me.

I focus on putting one leg in front of the other. At one point, I trip over a log and I feel a sharp sting in my ear but I force myself to my feet and run. Trees seem to come out of nowhere but I keep my eyes fixated on Cato and Clove and somehow manage to run in a straight line. 

I see a patch of blue in the distance and realise that Clove and Cato are heading towards the lake. I feel relief rush through me and am about to follow when suddenly I hear the sound of my name. 

Glimmer and Marina are both calling for me. My promise to Moonshine rings in my ears and Marina's face swims in front of me. 

I force myself to stop, take a deep breath, turn on my heel, and run back the way I came. Towards the Tracker Jackers. 

"Glimmer! Marina!" I scream as I run back through the forest. My vision is blurrier than before and I almost crash into Marina. 

"Marvel!" she gasps. She collapses onto her knees and I manage to grab her arms. 

"Get to the lake," I tell her, "I need to to back for Glimmer."

I move to run past her but she latches onto my wrist. "It'" She gasps,"Glimmer's...gone."

And I realise that Glimmer's screams have cut off. 

I turn back to Marina. 

"Then the tracker jackers will be coming for us next," I say grimly. I can hear the angry buzz getting louder and louder. 

"You...can'," Marina repeats, insistent. She doesn't seem to have heard what I said. 

"No," I say, scooping Marina up in my arms, "But I can save you." 

I race towards the lake, my vision getting worse with each step I take. A cannon sounds. 

"I'm sorry Moonshine," I whisper.

Just as I'm about to reach the lake, a boy barrels past me and I see that it's Peeta. 

"It's no use!" I shout after him, "Glimmer's dead." But he ignores me and continues running. Suddenly, Cato barges past too in the same direction of Peeta. 

Confused, I force myself to the lake. My vision begins to flicker as I feel myself falling. I hit something cold and wet. 

Relief surges through me as I realise it's the lake and Marina and I are finally safe from the insects. But then the pain and fear overpowers me and I lose consciousness, sinking into the water below.  

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