Chapter 1

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~Brittany's POV~

I was a mess before you.

The piercing sound of my alarm clock goes off. I rolled over and flopped my arms around hoping to find it without opening my eyes. It finally shut up. With the alarm silenced I relaxed back into my bed almost instantly. Not even five minutes later I feel the covers get thrown off my bed. The cold morning air made me jolt awake faster than I thought possible. I look at the end of my bed to see my five-year-old brother. The grin he was giving me had a couple of teeth missing. His blue eyes were wide with excitement. I couldn't help but smile back at him.

"Get up sissy! It's the first day of school!"

"Ok Ryan, I'm up. But was it necessary to pull my warm blankets off of me?" I asked rather annoyed

"Mom said you wouldn't get up if I didn't and I don't want you to miss my very first day of school."

"Ok, I'm up. I need you to wait for me downstairs so I can get ready, k?"

Ryan very happily replied "K!"

I walked over to the closet and grabbed my clothes. I grabbed everything I knew I needed for the bathroom, knowing that Fred would need the bathroom right after me. I jogged to the bathroom and hopped in the shower. As soon as the warm water hit my skin. I instantly relaxed. I got out of the shower about ten minutes later smelling like fresh roses. I quickly brushed and dried my hair. I put on my ripped denim skinny jeans and a black crop top. I look in the mirror happy with my appearance. My long straight blonde hair falls perfectly on my back. My eyeshadow was nothing too crazy, just an assortment of warm oranges and browns. I still can't believe it's my senior year. As I walked out of the bathroom I saw Fred running towards the bathroom full speed. I side-stepped so he wouldn't run into me. That's the last thing I need right now.

On my way downstairs my Mom yelled to me "Honey, breakfast is ready"

I proceeded down the stairs to see the table lined with crepes.....My favorite. I was still a little annoyed with my Mom and Fred but nothing I can do about it now. I gobbled up my breakfast with minimal talking to my mom. Fred ran down the stairs and almost face planted. I bit my tongue back to suppress the laughter that almost escaped my lips.

"Have a good day at school Brittany. And you to Ryan." he smiled his wicked smirk.

I shivered as soon as I recognized the grin. It was the same one he used when he admitted to what he did. I'll never be able to forgive him after that. I've spent almost all summer closed off in my room with contact only to my best friend Caroline. She's the only one who really knows what happened and why I wasn't at school for the last week and a half before summer. She told me all the rumors that went around, such as I had Ebola, Aids, and someone even said that I was pregnant. Any one of those would have been better than what actually happened. Breaking myself from the thoughts I stood up at the table.

"Bye Mom, I love you."

"Have a good day at school Honey." My mom smiled at me and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

I walked out to my car and smiled. It was a black matte Audi R8 with a red leather interior. I know it was just a bribe to keep me quiet, even if I thought about what happened I would just break down in tears. They knew that so I think the car was just extra to seal my mouth. I drove my little brother to school and walked him to his class. He was so excited I thought he might pee himself. After I talked to my brother's teacher I walked back to my car and drove to Crestview High School, the place I've spent my last three years going to school. I parked my car and got out, making sure to keep my head down. I hope nobody is staring at my nice new car. I was the shy girl everyone made fun of. I still am.

I walk aimlessly around the school before the bell rings. I drop everything off at my locker except for what I need for my first couple of classes. My first class is AP Environmental science, ugh. That is not a pleasant class to have first thing in the morning. I'm one of the first people in the class, per usual. I have my protein shake on my desk. At this rate, I should graduate with flying colors. My first couple of classes fly by. I have Calculus next, ugh math, my least favorite class. At least I only have to endure this class for forty minutes.

As soon as the bell rings I practically run out the door. Before I can make it out the door I feel a hard muscular body collide with mine. I jolted back from the impact. As I start to fall back I feel a strong arms snake around my petite waist keeping me from falling on my butt. I look into the deep blues eyes of a guy I've never seen before. He looked like he was Latino. He was very attractive, with his deep blues eyes that had a hint of grey on the edges. His black hair was cropped and spiked up. His white T-shirt clung to him and showed all his muscles. You could definitely tell he was fit.

As soon as I was on my feet and stable again the stranger decided to say something, "Ugh, watch where you're going next time."

Of course, I stuttered as I apologized, "s-s-sorry."

"Yeah, whatever"

I wanted to walk away as soon as possible but he was in my way. I mentally rolled my eyes. I hope I don't have any more classes with him. Finally, his friends called him over and he moved so I could get to class. His name made him, like, ten times more attractive. Like, who names their god looking son Jacob. That makes him even more attractive but he's a major dick. And he clearly doesn't care about people. I rolled my eyes before I walked to English, my favorite class. Nothing could ruin this class. As I happily found my seat I noticed the one person that could ruin this class, Jacob.

I happily found a seat in the back of the class. As soon as I walked in and noticed Jacob I made sure to sit as far away as possible from him. The late bell rang and everyone was in their seat waiting for class to start. All the girls were swooning over Jacob, they were practically throwing compliments left and right at him. The teacher finally started class and the whole room became silent. She looked around at the room and smiled at everyone in a warm and welcoming way.

"Okay class, we are going to have assigned seats, the person you will be sitting with will be your partner on all projects we do, including the final project that's worth fifty percent of your grade."

The whole class was not happy, I didn't really care as long as he wasn't my partner. Right away all the girls wanted to be partners with Jacob, and all the guys wanted to be partners with him or his friends. Everyone's attention was on them. Mrs. P cleared her throat and got everyone's attention back on her. Jacob smirked back at me and I rolled my eyes at him.

"The partners are Shelby and Ryan, Caroline and Tristen........."

She kept naming students until eventually, she got to me.

"Brittany and Jacob."

As soon as I realized I was partnered with Jacob I wanted to burst into tears. There was no one I could work with, a god looking self-absorbed dick. It just isn't fair. I'm going to have to do all the work if I want to pass now. As soon as Jacob sat next to me, he flashed one of his perfect grins. I just rolled my eyes and looked away from him. 

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