Chapter 6

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~Jacob's POV~

The dreadful lunch bell rang telling everyone to get their butts to class. I walk my friends to their classes, knowing that I have to keep my "bad boy" image up. I happily walked into my class ten minutes late. I sat in zoology and didn't pay attention. I was too concerned about what Brittany was doing. I saw her leave school when the bell rang. I also wondered if we would have any more classes together.

The teacher, Mr. Gregor, was going over the syllabus he had handed out. I didn't bother to grab one. I had already taken this class and planned to switch into a study hall. After Mr. Gregor was done talking, I slept for the rest of the hour. The bell finally rang, thank god.

I walked to my last class and before I went into the locker room, I noticed her. I was very happy to know that I had yet another class with her. She is so intriguing and I want to learn more about her. I smirked at her and as always she rolled her eyes at me. I walked into the guys' locker room.

I saw Tristen right away and punched him in the arm. With him were Stephan and Cody. They all looked at me and rolled their eyes. Tristen was tall, being 6'. His skin was always tanned, I'm pretty sure he uses a tanning lotion every day. He had short blonde hair and brown eyes. He wore contacts so he could see. Everyone loved Cody. He was the guy everyone wanted to be friends with.

Stephan was slightly shorter than Tristen, being 5'11". Stephan is a major playboy. He has a new girl with him every day. Some girls have tried to conquer his heart but only end up getting their heartbroken. I don't think the man is capable of love. He has a lot of secrets, not even Chelsa knew them. I'm pretty sure everyone has asked her about him.

Last but not least, Cody. Cody Was who we kept around to try and help him in life. He was a straight-A student. He always wore nice clothes. I don't think I've ever seen the guy wear sweats. He was the shortest one out of all of us, being 5' 8". I tried to convince him to get a tattoo once and he almost did. Over the years he became more like us. We were all good friends.

I was the tallest out of the group, being 6'2". We all got dressed for gym class and walked into the gym. Brittany walked in moments later and the teacher right after her. All my friends noticed me looking at Brittany and decided to make a big deal out of it. They all collectively said, "Do you like her?"

I rolled my eyes, "No, she just intrigues me."

This time Tristen responded, "Mhm, sure."

Stephan decided to add something as well, "We don't believe you."

"Yeah, I know but I don't care because she only intrigues me, nothing more.", Or was it more?

The teacher took attendance and explained to everyone what she liked to do in her free time. She then told us that we needed a partner for today's assignment. I chose Tristen. After we all picked our partners she continued to explain what we had to do. We each had to write a paragraph about each other and present it in front of the class. I've known Tristen since kindergarten so this assignment would be easy. After about ten minutes the teacher asked everyone to read their paragraphs. I quickly raised my hand making sure to be obnoxious about going first.

Tristen read mine first. I zoned out the whole time while he read about me. It was slightly awkward to hear someone read things about you while you're standing right there. I looked around the room to see who Brittany was partners with. I noticed she was partners with Caroline. Cody has had a major crush on her forever. It was finally my turn to read about Tristen. I intensely stared at Brittany while I read. I only broke contact to glance at the paper I was reading. She stared back at me with a confused look on her face. When I was done reading, I winked at Brittany before returning to my seat. She just rolled her eyes at me.

Luckily, Cody didn't catch me staring at Brittany. He was too busy staring at Caroline. I smirked before nudging him.

"You're staring."

He looked at me and rolled his eyes and replied: "Dude, I know, she's gorgeous."

"It's a little weird, don't you think?"

"She stared back."

"Well then, fair enough."

The class went by extremely fast, Everyone else's presentation was quite boring so I didn't pay attention. We were released to go change in out of our P.E. clothes. I took my time changing and took a quick shower. I couldn't wait to go home for the day. I decided to wait for my friends to be done showering. Eventually, they were done and changed.

We all walked out of class joking around. Everyone was giving Cody crap because he wouldn't grow a pair and ask Caroline out. We were all laughing and then Stephan pointed to my motorcycle and everyone laughed even harder. My smile dropped from my face and I ran to my motorcycle. All my friends were pointing and laughing hysterically at my baby.

When I got to my bike the first thing I noticed was the note Brittany left. I looked up extremely angry. She laughed at me and I couldn't help but calm down a little bit. Everyone decided to take the note and pass it around. As soon as they started reading they looked up and laughed even harder, which I didn't think was possible. I gave them all a death glare and they all shut up, except for Tristen of course. He decided to play on my anger knowing I wouldn't do anything to him.

He calmed down and finally said, "Dude she really played you like that. She has guts."

"I'm surprised she did it, to be honest."

"Me too."

I looked up and caught her eyes. I started to walk over to her car. Before I got there she swallowed a lump in her throat, she didn't notice that I noticed; so I didn't say anything. Her brown eyes looked right into mine. I was still very mad about my bike. I lifted my hand and she flinched, I pretended to ignore it and continued to run my hand through my hair.

I told her, "I'm honestly surprised you had the guts to do that to my bike."

"Well, you started it." She stuck her tongue out like a five-year-old. It was very cute but I didn't tell her that.

"Just know that you just started a war, princess." I decided to give her a different nickname from cupcake.

"Noted Jakey."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her nickname for me, "Don't call me that"

"Don't call me princess and I won't call u Jakey"

"Princess suits you though."

After my comment, she smiled at me, got in her car and said:

"Ok, I'll see you tomorrow in Mrs. P's, Jakey."

I could've sworn I smiled and didn't smirk but I don't think she noticed if I did.

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