Chapter 12

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Cynthia and I stood there for a moment, watching the campers. The guy with the assault rifle was standing near the buildings across the lot, flanked by two more people of his group.

"Is that who I think it is?" Cynthia whispered to me.

"Yep," I answered.

"What the hell do we do, Reid?"

I had no answer for Cyn. If we turned around and went back into the warehouse, the campers would know where our hideout was. But, if Cyn and I took off down the street, our friends might come out and look for us. That meant they would be bumping into the campers themselves.

"Reid? What do we do?" Cynthia asked me again.

"I-I don't know," I stammered.

From what I could see, it looked like the camper group was discussing something. I highly doubt it was anything good.

"Please don't walk over here, please don't walk over here," I muttered.

"I say we make a break for it," Cynthia told me.

"What happens when Ang or Maurice come out and look for us and see those assholes standing there?" I answered.

"Shit," Cynthia sighed.

The camper group didn't follow directions; they started walking across the lot towards us. I have never in my life wanted to see a group of people attacked by the eaters. That is until I saw the campers heading towards Cynthia and I. Hell, at that moment, I would have gladly taken a horde stumbling down the street.

The campers made it across the lot. The asshole with the M4, the guy with the gas mask, and another guy wearing a silver bandanna and goggles.

"Well, look who it is," M4 guy said. "It's the guy with the axe."  Hey, how'd he know my name?

"Uh, hey," I replied.

"I don't believe I got your name the other day."

"You didn't."

"The man with the rifle lowered his scarf, revealing his whole face. It was covered with some light brown stubble, and he had sharp cheek bones. He smiled at me and Cyn. "I'm Carter."

"Hey, Carter. I'm Reid."

Carter motioned to his two buddies behind him, the guy with the gas mask on and then the guy with the bandanna, "This is Doc and Isaac."

"Howdy," I said sarcastically.

Carter chuckled and then looked at Cynthia. "Well hello there."

"Hi," Cyn answered, clearly unamused.

"What's your name?"


Before Carter could ask anymore questions I tried to keep him busy. "So, where's the rest of your group? Everyone okay?"

"Yeah, they're fine. They're back at our campsite. Thanks for your concern, Reid," Carter responded. Then he looked at the front gate of the warehouse, "So this is where you've been hiding, huh?"

Shit. I didn't know what to say. Cynthia looked both ways up and down the street. "You know, we really shouldn't be standing around talking like this. Stenches might see us."

"Hm. 'Stenches.' How'd you come up with that name for them?" Carter inquired.

"Have you ever smelled one?"

Carter nodded. "Makes sense."

"Do you really want to be standing around when a horde of those things comes wandering down the road?" Cynthia asked Carter. "We should really get a move on. Nice meeting you." Cyn grabbed me by the arm and tried to walk down the road, away from the warehouse, but Carter stopped us.

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