Chapter 15

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 Mick picked up the hunting rifle from the ground and aimed it in Carter's direction. Before Mick could fire, Carter raised his assault rifle and squeezed off a round. The bullet missed and hit the side of the van. Mick returned fire with the hunting rifle, but he too missed. The gunshots were echoing all around us.

"Stop firing!" Cynthia shouted. "Stenches will be here any minute."

Sure enough, the biters did show up to our location. One of them, a shorter man with the flesh chewed away from his forehead, ran around the front of the van and tried to grab me. I sidestepped the dead thing and grabbed the side of his jacket and threw him face-first to the ground. I was trying to find my axe that was laying in the street so I could finish off the biter, but Angie drove Carla's spike into the back of the undead creature's skull before I could get my weapon.

"Thanks," I gasped.

Ang was standing there with a shocked expression on her face, and staring down at the dead guy with the end of the spike sticking out of the back of his head.

"First kill?" I asked her.

Angie snapped back to. "Yeah," she muttered.

"You never forget your first."

"Reid? Not now," Cynthia said.

Looking out across the way, Carter and his gang of jag-offs were running back towards their hideout. Still enraged, Mick fired the hunting rifle at them again, this time he hit the guy with the gas mask and he fell down to the ground.

Carter spun around and fired a few rounds in our direction, but he missed every shot. Real dead eye that Carter is.

"Mick, stop it," Cynthia said again.

Mick didn't listen to her. He raised the rifle once more and looked through the weapon's scope, but Cynthia grabbed the barrel of the gun and pushed it down.

"Mick, don't do it," Cyn said.

"I wasn't going to shoot," Mick replied. "I was just looking."

"At what?" I asked.

Mick handed me the rifle, "Take a look."

Peering through the scope, I saw what was left of Carter's group at the end of the lot. Carter looked to be arguing with the person with the white hoodie. Carter took aim with his gun, pointing it right at the person's head. I pulled the trigger of the rifle, but all I heard was a click.

"Great, out of ammo," I said.

"What the hell did I just say about not firing?" Cynthia asked me.

"He's gonna kill that person, Cyn." I handed Cynthia the rifle and she looked through the scope.

"Well, he didn't," Cyn replied handing me the rifle back. "Let's get the fuck off this street."

I took another glance through the rifle scope; Carter and his group were leaving the person in the white hoodie behind. The individual was getting up off the ground and walking away from Carter.

I handed the rifle off to Mick. "Looks like carter kicked whoever the hell that is out of the group."

"Good," Cynthia scoffed.

Normally, I'd agree with her, but there was something about that person in the white hoodie. Carter seemed to have some kind of problem with them. "You guys get back to the warehouse for the time being. I'll be back."

"Where are you going?" Cyn asked me.

"To talk to that person."

"Are you stupid?"

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