Chapter 1

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" Oh girl you have to do it this fast " I said to myself constantly and keep painting the chew gum in black colour so that it'll be invisible on the chair.

People maybe think I am cynical so what I like to do pranks if they get mad about my simple pranks than still I don't give a damn about it. It won't harm that much, is it? it's just bit irritating to others that's it.

Today I planned to prank on my favourite teacher he is damn serious person. Well I can summed up him as perfect teacher he takes our science classes and right now I am in his small lab with cabin and messing up his chair right now. If he ever get to know what I did to him to just simply irritate him he will definitely give me his extra classes and my very favourite assignments to write "note the sarcasm here." just one last stroke and I'll be out with I keep on painting.

" Hey you ! How did you get in here and by the way what are you doing with the chair?" someone asked me from behind.
I got panic shit probably I got caught today SHIT SHIT SHIT what should I do now I never got caught before after pulling out so many pranks, I am mastered in it. Now what? How should I cover this, thinking I turned over to see who's there.

And there I saw a cute little chubby potato boy his too cute by the way he is my junior and perfect nerdy guy with vast knowledge and I wonder how he manage to eat food at the same time while he eats knowledge too. 

He has dark hair, pale skin and cute all chubby chubby boy shorter than me and he has a evil smirk on his face.

" Nothing just visiting here so that I can remember this place while I'll leave the school." I said to him while hiding color bottle and paint brush on the table behind my back so that he can't see me and faced him with smile

I am proud myself to give this excuse and it's true though I am finishing my middle school in like two months and I'll be off to high school.

" Do I look like an idiot to you or give you any sign that I am dumb who do not understand what are you doing in here in middle of the break time. " he said it as matter of fact and folded his hands over chest  and giving me attitude like he knows everything what I am doing here.

" So what do you think I am doing here? " while asking him and I fold my hands on my chest and wriggles my eyebrows at him.

" I know what you are up to. " he said pointing out to the bottle and paint brush behind my back.

Shit today I got caught by none other than my junior " wayyy tooo gooo yoou moron " I scold myself.

He is smiling evilly to himself and now I have to do something I can't be castigated nor riled up by him or anyone.

" What do you want chubby cheeks? " I asked him with tight smile.

" Just come here and give me a tight hug. " he proposed smilingly.

I get it now he do wants to irritate me like I do to others. " Karmas " I am getting riled up now huhhhh I groaned.

" Ok and you won't tell a soul about this are you sure because I won't give you any chance to back out okay. " I said to him intimidatingly.

He nodded with smile

I walk towards him and hugged him tightly as much as I can squeeze him to irritate but I don't think this is irritating him a bit and I can see a smirk on his face shit damn him, he is enjoying this and I let go of him.

" Now come with me outside and wait for the  fun. " I ordered him with that I left.

" Okay. " he followed behind me and we waited outside for the sir without noticing by others, the place where no one can find out we were there and when he enters the room we left the place.

" If I got punished next morning and I swear you'll be there with me. " I warned him and start walking for my next class.

" How would you make sure I'll be there with you if you get punished. " he asked 

I turned around and said " I will tell him that you were there with me at that time and you didn't do anything about it, you stayed there to witnessed the prank and I do have a good impression in our teacher staffs so they'll believe me." With that I smirked.

" So does I, they won't believe you either. " he said while putting his hands in pants' pockets.

" Ohh really you are going with this than lets just say that I didn't know who you are and I don't have anything on you. And practically I don't have any personal problems with you either so they'll believe me. And why would I have been picking you particularly that's the first question you need to think about it. " with that I ruffled his hair.

' Yeah ' with this he left and didn't say anything

I stood there to wait for my friend before heading to the class. And there she is coming towards me  waving her hands at me. She wore a blue jeans and plain black t-shirt with quote " Fuck Off " , ha nice quote just like her personality and red sneakers. She has curly brown hair and a lean body. She has sharp mouth as me.

" Hey what's up? Are you done with your so called work. " she asked curiously while putting her hands on my shoulder.

She knows what I am up to but she never support me on my all pranking things except giving ideas how to plant it in better ways but never takes part in it. And I really like that about our friendship is our understandings and most importantly we don't argue on uncertain things.

" Yup and what took you so long I have been waiting for a while now huh. " I groaned accusingly.

Before she could tell me anything here comes the devil. He is same height as me with appropriate body muscles not lean nor fatty and has tanned skin and brown hair and has black eye colour. He wore a white hoodie and dark blue jeans with black sneakers. He handed a notes to my friend Reese and they exchange greetings and all, both smiled at each other.

He didn't utter a single word to me like I wasn't even visible to him that's not even very surprising to me at all but still it's rude not to greet the person while you're having conversation with their best friends.

I know this guy like my entire life but we don't get well along. Our families are family friends and we are neighbours too and not the least we are classmates too and my best friend is friend with this idiot too. And she happens to admire him not in a creep way but still I don't appreciate it. She considered him as his big brother though and in other hand that idiot consider her as his own sis which is not surprise to me because he don't have any, he only have one younger brother Kyle.

" Sorry Amy, I kept you waiting, let's go to our class is about to start now. " she said to me with fake smile, she is displeased with my behaviour. I can't help it but look in her way that  I AM NOT HAPPY TO BE WITH HIM TO ACCOMPANY US.

I look at that dumbass and left shrugging off my shoulder and I headed to the class. Reese and Ryan followed behind me.

Thank you guys for visiting and reading this. Next chapter will be on in few days. Till then stay happy, healthy and keep reading.😜

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