Chapter Seven

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Antonio had gained permission to leave the prison to visit Shylock. He wanted the chance to try and reason with him. The Duke had had to grant Shylock's suit and he was going to hear the case unless the two parties could come to an agreement. A gaoler guarded Antonio and the merchant's friend, Solanio, accompanied them.

Shylock came out into the street to meet them and, in his anger, refused even to hear what Antonio had come to say. He addressed the gaoler instead. 'Gaoler, guard him well!' he shouted. When Solanio opened his mouth to speak he gestured violently. 'Don't talk to me about mercy,' he yelled. 'This is the fool who lent out money for free. Gaoler, guard him closely.'

'Just listen to me for a moment, good Shylock,' pleaded Antonio.

'I'll have my bond!' said Shylock angrily. 'Don't try arguing against my bond! I've sworn an oath that I'll have my bond! You called me "dog" without any reason, but since I'm a dog, watch out for my teeth! The duke will give me justice. I'm surprised, you worthless gaoler, that you're so foolish as to gallivant about with him at his request!'

'Please!' exclaimed Antonio. 'Listen to me!'

Shylock's face was red. He went up to Antonio and shouted right into his face. 'I'll have my bond! I won't listen to you! I'll have my bond so don't waste your breath! I won't be made a soft and stupid fool of – shaking my head, changing my mind, sighing and giving in to Christian pleas.' He turned and went to his door. Antonio took a few steps and he whipped round. 'Don't follow me! Don't talk to me! I'll have my bond!' He went inside and slammed the door.

Solanio shook his fist at the closed door. 'He's the most intransigent mongrel that ever kept company with human beings!'

'Leave him alone,' said Antonio. 'I won't pester him anymore with useless pleas. He wants my life and I know why: I've frequently helped people who have come to me because they've been caught up in his web. That's why he hates me.'

'I'm sure the duke will never allow this penalty.'

Antonio shook his head sadly. 'The duke can't interfere with the course of the law because if we denied foreigners their rights here in Venice it would undermine all our notions of justice and we can't do that because the success of our trade and commerce depends on our relationship with all the nations. So, go. These worries and losses have caused me to lose so much weight that I'll hardly have a pound of flesh to spare for my vicious creditor tomorrow. Come on then, gaoler, let's go. I pray only that Bassanio will come and watch me pay his debt. Apart from that I don't care!'


Portia had a secret plan, a scheme to help her husband resolve the situation his friend had found himself in. She invited Lorenzo and Jessica to join her and Nerissa in the garden. She assured the young couple that Bassanio would be back very soon.

'Madam,' said Lorenzo, 'although I say it in your presence, you have a great understanding of true friendship, judging from your acceptance of your husband's absence. But if you knew the man you're honouring, what a good gentleman you have lent this help to – how much he loves my lord, your husband – I know that you would be even prouder than you are of the help you are giving.'

'I've never regretted any good I've done,' she said, 'and I'm not regretting it now because friends who talk and spend their time together, who love each other equally, must have such things as character, style and ideas in common. That makes me think that this Antonio, being the close friend of my lord, has to be similar to him. If that's true then I have rescued a soulmate from hellish cruelty very cheaply. But this is too much like praising myself, so not another word about it. I want to mention other things. Lorenzo, I'm putting the management of my household in your hands until my lord's return. There's a monastery two miles away and that's where we're going to stay. I hope you won't object. It's something we have to do.

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