Chapter 12

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Olivia's POV

After leaving Miss. Jauregui's classroom I quickly made my way to my first class. I had just made it before the first bell. I sat down in my usual seat next to Ally which caught her attention.

"Did you talk to her?" She questioned. I only nodded and started to write the objectives from the board into my workbook.

"Well, how did it go?" She asked not allowing me to drop the subject. I'm not sure Miss. Jauregui wants everyone to know about her sexuality.

"It went well. We are good. I won't be treating her like that anymore." I answered, satisfying her.

"Good. Now we can finally enjoy music class again." She responded before turning her attention to the teacher. We certainly can, I thought.

The door suddenly opened and in walked Brayden. The teacher stopped and looked over at him. He didn't even bother to ask why he was late. We all know Brayden wouldn't bother responding. What he did next completely shocked me.

He walked confidently over to me with a smirk on his face. "I had a great time last night Liv" He said very loudly. He then leaned down and kissed me. I pushed him away and he just chuckled.

"You didn't respond like that last night." He said as he took his seat in front of me. I could hear the whispers of my classmates discussing what they thought of me, and Brayden did last night. I knew what they were thinking, and it was definitely not what happened. I could feel Ally staring at me, but I couldn't look at her. I was too embarrassed. Eventually she turned and looked at the front of the class.

I don't understand why Brayden did that. He wasn't like this last night when we were together. The rumours he had just created broke my heart; I don't want people thinking I was just another girl he had slept with. I tried to focus on the teacher who resumed teaching after the commotion, but I kept seeing people turning around looking at me and then talking to their friends.

The embarrassment got too much for me. I stood up abruptly, I grabbed my belongings and rushed out of the classroom to the nearest toilets. I just wanted to be alone. I was ashamed, mortified that I fell for Brayden's stupid charm. I knew what he was like but of course I thought I was different. I should have listened to Ally. I'm not sure I could even look at Ally right now, she would probably say I told you so and roll her eyes going on and on about how he treated Will. It was humiliating knowing that these rumours would spread around the school like a wildfire. Social media didn't help, people could spread this quicker. Half the population of the school probably already knows.

I know that my friends will want me to explain myself. I just hope that they will believe me. I think they would take my word for what happened over Brayden's. I can't believe how stupid I was to think that Brayden actually cared and wanted to be my friend. I think just the way he acted yesterday and the deep conversations we had. I felt even more pathetic that I was feeling this much emotion over the situation. I have only spent one afternoon with the boy and yet I am acting as if we really know each other. Him wanting to hang out with me was probably just a ploy to get into my pants. The thought of that made me feel disgusted.

I couldn't allow a boy to control my emotions like this. Not just a boy, a person. I need to stop allowing people control my emotions, control how I feel, how I act. I took a deep breath, immediately regretting it. It really stinks in this bathroom. I quickly exited the room before I throw up and made my way back to math class.

As I opened the doors the teacher gave me a sympathetic smile. I just smiled back. I looked at Brayden and he just smiled back at me. He stood and walked towards me.

"Why don't you tell everyone what happened last night?" He said, still smirking at me. I opened my mouth to say something but he stopped me and chuckled.

"Actually, I will tell them." He said. Just as he was about to explain himself, I cut him off.

"I'm gay." I blurted out. Fear ran over me as Brayden started laughing. He laughed even harder throwing his head back. Everyone else started to laugh at me. I caught Ally's eye who looked scared. If I was humiliated before I certainly am now.

"You weren't gay last night whilst you were moaning my name with your eyes rolling to the back of your head." Brayden said after he finally stopped laughing.

Gasps could be heard all amongst the room, but they all soon erupted in laughter.

"Settle down class. What these two do alone is between them." The teacher said. Nobody listened to him as they all continued to laugh at me.

"That's not true!" I argued back. Brayden just rolled his eyes and started to mimic a girl's moan and humping the air between us.

"That sounds awfully familiar. Doesn't it?" He said making everyone laugh even louder which I couldn't believe.

I tried my best to calm my nerves. I could feel tears begin to fill my eyes, and I did whatever I could to not let them fall. That would only make the situation worse.

"You probably thought I liked you, but you honestly thought wrong. You were nothing more than a fuck. To be quite honest the thought of being with you makes me feel sick. You are nothing and you will always be nothing. You disgust me with how easy you allowed me to fuck you. If you think anyone is ever going to love you you really thought wrong. You are an ugly, pathetic, disgusting person." Brayden said. Nobody laughed. Tears streamed down my face and I just ran out.

I couldn't believe he said that. I don't understand why. What did I do so wrong to him? I genuinely thought we had a nice time. To think he was going to be my friend. I am such an idiot.

Before I knew it I was sitting on the floor. I quickly wiped my face of the tears and looked up at what I ran into. I saw Miss. Jauregui stood there looking shocked.

"Olivia. What happened?" I heard her say, her husky voice sounding concerned. My lip started to tremble, I tried to remain calm but I just couldn't. I allowed the tears to start falling once again and quickly got up to go somewhere that I could be alone.

"Come with me." Miss Jauregui said calmly whilst holding her hand out for me. I accepted and held her hand as she took me to her classroom.

Once we got to her classroom she unlocked the door and brought me inside and shut the door after us. Almost immediately she wrapped her arms around me and gently stroked the back of my head.

"It's okay. Just let it all out." She said, giving me a small kiss on my forehead. I wrapped my arms around her and just let the sadness overcome my body. I felt her rock us back and forth whilst humming softly.

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