Chapter 14

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Olivia's POV

I left Mrs. Jauregui's classroom. I can't believe I broke down like that, especially in front of a teacher. Especially in front of her. Of all the teachers, it had to be Mrs. Jauregui that I ran into. I walked into the nearest bathroom to clean myself up properly.

As I entered, I saw a few girls touching up their makeup. Their attention was put on me when I walked in and they all started to laugh. I just ignored them and walked into the nearest stall. I might have just imagined them laughing at me. It was my imagination I told myself. I took some deep breaths so I could control my emotions, I have already had one breakdown today, I really don't need another one. I left the stall and walked out to the sink to wash my hands. The girls were still there but this time all stood in a group. I could hear them whispering but I couldn't make out what they were saying. They all begin to giggle; I tried my best to ignore them, but it was incredibly difficult.

I looked at myself in the mirror and saw that my face was slightly red, you could tell that I had cried. In the corner of my eye I could see the girls walking towards me. They might just be going to the exit I thought to myself trying to calm the nerves.

"You are such a slut." A blonde girl said pushing me. I looked at her confused. I thought girls would stick together through times like this. There were three girls altogether, the blonde, there was a red haired and a brunette. The brunette was a lot larger than me and was a lot more intimidating than the other two girls.

"Honestly, you are a little pathetic." The redhead that stood next to the one that pushed me.

"I wouldn't be surprised if it was actually you who slept with Mr. Simpson." The blonde said, making all the girls laugh. I don't even know who they are. I knew what Brayden said to me would travel across the school fast, but I didn't think it would travel this fast. Everyone must know by now.

"You actually disgust me." The redhead said as she raised her hand and slapped me across the face, "that was for sleeping with my boyfriend."

"I didn't sleep with him! He lied." I argued, I didn't know that he even had a girlfriend.

"Brayden wouldn't lie to me." His girlfriend said. This time the larger brunette stepped forward making me step backwards. My back hit the edge of the sink.

"Go on Leah. Beat her up. She deserves it" The red haired said. The three laughed and Leah nodded.

"We will keep watch out here." The blonde said as the two left the bathroom leaving me alone with Leah.

"Please, I didn't do anything wrong." I said. She just rolled her eyes and punched me in the stomach making me keel over in pain.

"Shut up!" Leah said as she pushed me to the ground and kicked me harshly in the back. I cried out in pain and she just laughed and kicked me a few more times before leaving the room to go meet her friends. I could hear them all laughing outside of the door. I grabbed hold of the sink and pulled myself up. It took a while to get my breath back but once I did, I left the room and tried to hurry to my next class.

I rushed down the hall only to be tripped and my books flew out of my arms. I looked by and saw Brayden with a smirk on his face.

"Whoops, I didn't see you there." He said whilst kicking my books further away from me.

"Leave her alone Brayden and get to class." I heard Miss. Cabello say. I got myself back to my feet and walked towards my books. Wincing at the pain from my ribs, I bent down to grab them. When I stood back up Miss Cabello was standing there holding a few of my other belongings.

"Here you go Olivia." She said and smiled at me sweetly.

"Thank you, Miss. Cabello." I said politely, taking the items from her. She just smiled in response and told me to hurry to class before I was late.

Luckily, I made it to class just in time, although as soon as I walked in people began whispering and laughing amongst themselves. I bit my lip and walked to my seat. They might not be talking about me, but they probably are. I did everything I could to calm myself down without drawing any attention from my peers. I got through the class without any issues, which was amazing. Now was lunch and usually I couldn't wait for lunch, but I am completely dreading it today. I got up slowly trying not to cause anymore pain in my abdomen although I was already in excruciating pain and just wanted to go home and cry.

I walked into the cafeteria and made my way over to my friends. They all looked concerned. Great, they all knew as well. Obviously, I knew Ally would know about what happened seeing as she was in the class.

"Livvy. Are you okay?" Ally said, her voice laced with concern. I just nodded not really want to talk about what happened.

"Did you sleep with him?" Normani asked, looking at me.

"No!" I said. The fact she had the audacity to ask me that question troubled me.

"Well then. You have nothing to worry about." She said taking a bite out of her wrap. I just rolled my eyes at her. She had no idea what she was talking about.

"If everyone thinks you slept with him, well then why don't you own it and spread a rumour about how small his dick is." DJ said. I started to giggle, and she smiled at me.

"You did nothing with him but what you told us on the phone?" Normani questioned again.

"We kissed." I said bluntly. I just wanted to drop the subject and talk about something that will cheer me up.

"Well that was stupid." Ally said, "I warned you about him." I rolled my eyes. I knew she would say something like that. I don't like sympathy, but I did think that my friends would show me a little bit. I thought they might be slightly concerned about how I felt during this situation. Brayden completely humiliated me, and they don't care. Just as I was about to stand up, I felt cold liquid being dropped onto my head.

"You won't get away with sleeping with my boyfriend." I heard from behind. I just sat there and did nothing. Why bother fighting it? This is my life now and like Normani said I have nothing to worry about.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" Dinah yelled and punched the girl straight in the face sending her flying across the room.

"Don't you dare touch my best friend." Dinah said, punching her again. I quickly stood up to stop her. I don't want DJ to get into trouble. This is my problem and I will solve it by myself.

"DJ! Just stop. Leave her alone." I said. She turned and looked at me, nodded and stood up.

"Are you okay Liv?" DJ said. I just nodded and remembered what she said.

"We should feel sorry for her DJ. She is the one stuck with a boyfriend that has a small dick." I said very loudly. Everyone around the room started to laugh and DJ just smiled at me looking almost like a proud mother.

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