Chapter 19 : Luna VS Aria

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We may stumble and fall but shall rise again; it should be enough if we did not run away from the battle. --Mahatma Gandhi

In a battle all you need to make you fight is a little hot blood and the knowledge that it's more dangerous to lose than to win. --George Bernard Shaw

Aria paced around her guest bedroom where she was staying fuming at the thought of her losing to a human girl. Theo is her one-way ticket to power and to be a well-known Luna to all packs. Having Theo would give her just that. But her plans have come to a halt now that this human girl is in the picture. What bothered Aria was the fact Theo seems to be taking a liking to her. How could this human girl not be afraid of him? Most humans can feel the monstrous aura around him.

"Why don't we scare the girl away," Grace said. Aria's wolf.

"I'm listening," Aria said now interesting in what Grace had to say.

"Challenge the girl. Show her that she is no match for us. This will prove to Theo and everyone that a human mate is useless to lead a pack"

"There is a problem with that plan Grace. The girl doesn't know about us being werewolves. Theo has to tell her."

"Why don't we speed it up and show her ourselves. We will even have the pack doctor on standby to erase her memory."

"I like that idea. Let's do this."

Aria left her room walking around the packhouse to find Luna since she knew she was visiting today. There Aria saw her talking with another she-wolf. Aria made herself closer to Luna where the other she-wolf noticed Aria walking towards them with an intense gaze locked on Luna.

"Is something the matter Clover?" Luna asked as she followed Clover's gaze to Aria who was not standing before them. Luna could tell from the look in Aria's silver eyes that she was up to something.

"Is there something you need from me?" Luna asked Aria with a smooth calming voice that showed no hint of fear laced in her words.

"Damn girl things she tough? Wait till we humiliate her." Grace said growling.

Aria smirked darkly at Luna sizing her up and could tell beating Luna up would be easy.

Luna looked back at Clover with a serious look on her face telling her to go get help. Clover understood yet felt to stay so that Luna is protected since she is human and taking on a warrior wolf was suicidal.

"Please, Clover," Luna said with pleading eyes.

Clover gripped her fists running off to get help in the packhouse hoping the Alpha was there.

Luna and Aria stood out in the open. Aria smug at her chances of beating a weak human girl. How could Luna have even managed to get the heart of an Alpha? Aria was high over her head though. Luna might have been just a human but that didn't mean she was at a disadvantage.

Many pack members who were around stopped what they were doing to watch what was happening. Some not wanting to get involved mainly at Aria's call so she could show them how their so-called future Luna would be brought down so fast. A human against a wolf. Both without weapons or protection. Everyone would know the outcome. Even with Aria in her human form, her strength was something undeniable.

Aria lunged at Luna quickly. Luna jumped up and flipped forward over landing back down. Logically thought here was to not make the first move. Making the first move never guarantees that you'd win. Aria growled and threw a punch, Luna blocked the punch just barely but quickly flipping Aria's whole body back with Luna swinging her leg up. Before Aria could notice, the flat of Luna's foot connected with her jaw, and Aria was sent backward through the crowd and skipping across the ground. Many were quiet, exchanging looks of surprise and question. Luna stood, embarrassed but happy she was able to end it without anything too serious being damaged. Stepping forward with the most surprised look on their face was Alpha Theo. Behind him was Kendall Sabrina and Clover along with Theo's parents.

Aria slowly got up from the grown now furious with having to be humiliated by a human. Her eyes turning black as she shifted in her dark gray wolf. Aria lunged for Luna's neck at full speed.

"Luna!" Theo yelled as he too shifted into his wolf. His eyes glowing gold with his sleek midnight black fur fangs baring at Aria as he leaped into the air tackling Aria down to the ground hard howling deep growl that seemed to shake the ground beneath them.

Aria whimpered under Theo's stronghold unable to get up. Theo was beyond furious. His wolf and he wanted blood. He was prepared to kill Aria before Lunar stepped forward still in shock after the fact of witnessing Aria and Theo turn into wolves.

Luna slowly walked towards them ignoring the calls of Theo's father telling her to step back.

"What is this girl thinking!? She's going to get herself killed!"

"Sir! Let Luna handle this!" Kendall growled out holding Sabrina's hand tight showing he too was nervous. He didn't want Luna to be hurt if something was to go wrong, but all he could do is watch and trust in her.

"Don't kill her Theo... Please." Luna said in a trembling voice. Luna stood her ground when Theo growled darkly still angry. She slowly walked more forward extending her hand out reaching to touch the side of Theo's face. With just touch his eyes soften keeping his gaze on Luna as her hand went up to gently scratch the back of his ear. Theo purred stepping off Aria walking closer to Luna. Luna slid down to her knees where Theo laid next to her placing his head on her lap. His tail swaying in content.

Aria took this chance to back away shifting back into her human form where she stood naked. Sabrina covered Kendall's eyes fast growling.

A couple of omegas came by wrapping a blanket over Aria. Theo too shifted back into his human for causing Luna to blush fifty shades of red in an instant.

Luna quickly jumped up turning around covering her red face.

"I saw it! And I'm not even married yet!" Luna shouted.

Kendall smirked. "Whoa. She's a pure one!"

Sabrina slapped Kendall upside the head rolling her eyes. Thankfully Theo had some hidden clothes behind some trees as he left to go get them. While doing so a wave of dread washed over Theo's body. Thoughts swirling in his head. What is to happen now? Will Luna reject him? What is she feeling? All these questions made Theo was afraid to know.

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