Jack's Trial

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Carly's POV

I turn to see bulls storming the place. I knew it! I knew something would happen! I start running into the seating area to find Jack. They're after both of us, I'm sure of it. I see Jack start to run over to the balcony and I run over to catch up with him.

I jump into the piano and grab the balcony. I climb over to side and reach a hand down to pull up Jack while the bulls try to grab his feet. Once we're both on the balcony we start running.

"I told you something was going to happen!"

"Yeah but isn't this fun?!"

I scoff at him and punch a bull in the stomach as we run past to the stairwell. Three bulls stop halfway to the stairs and start swinging with their metal clubs. I kick one in the stomach and punch him in the face and look over to see that Jack took care of the other two.

I run down the stairs as Jack flys down the banister. We run outside only to find it surrounded with Bulls and horses.

"Come here!"

A police man lounges at me and I run back inside with Jack. He stumbled but I hoist him up. Both ways into the theatre are blocked so we run up the stairs. Jack is ahead of me and before I can get the message to him he gets knocked in the face by a police officer. That's gotta hurt.


I turn to grab him off the pile of bulls carrying him away when the same bull that hit Jack hits me in the back of the head with the club. My vision goes blurry as I slump in his arms. I feel him drag me away with jack. I can barely hear the other newsies voices as they try to grab me and Jack. All I feel are people tugging on me. I look over to see Spot staring at me and yelling before it goes black.


"All rise, all rise. Court is now in session. Judge E.A. Monahan presiding."

I sit in the seats in front of the Judge. The rest of the newsies are in a separate area but I don't make eye contact. I can't stand to feel their pitiful gaze. I haven't seen Jack yet so I assume they're keeping him in the back to keep order. The judge starts off their trial.

"Are any of you represented by council?"

They all look around confused and shrug it off. None of them know what that means.

"No. Good, good. That'll move things along considerably."

Spot stands at the front and speaks up.

"Your honor, I object."

The judge stares straight into Spot's soul making me get second hand anxiety.

"On what grounds?"

"On the grounds of Brooklyn, your honor."

All the boys laugh and he gets a giggle out of me. I glance up to see him smirking at me and I immediately put my head back down. I'm too ashamed to meet his eye right now. The judge bangs his gavel.

"I fine each of you 5 dollars or 2 weeks confinement in the house of refuge."

All their faces go straight and everyone gets stone quiet. Race speaks up to the judge this time.

"Hey we ain't got five bucks. We ain't even got five cents. Hey your honor, how bout I roll you for it. Double or nothin'."

The boys start laughing again and the Judge starts to get impatient.

"Alright, move along, move along."

David and Mr. Denton step in. All eyes go to them.

"I'll pay the fines. All of them."

I look up in shock and notice all the other newsies doing the same. The boys start asking where Jack is when Denton starts talking to them.

"Look, we gotta meet at the restaurant. Everybody. We have to talk."

This makes me nervous. We're already in a bad situation but now this sounds even worse.

"Pay the clerk. Move it along."

The judge bangs the gavel and Denton pays the fines before I see Jack step in.

"Hey fellas, CJ."

He nods at me and walks up to the Judge. I guess his trial is going first. Can't be worse than mine.

"Case of Jack Kelly. Inciting a riot, assault, resisting arrest."

Snyder walks past us and smiles at me before talking to the judge.

"Judge Monahan, I'd like to speak for these fine... newsies."

He walks up with Jack first.

"You guys know each other. Ain't that nice."

"Just move it song Warden Snyder."

He gives Jack the most pitiful look and starts explaining.

"This boy's real name is Francis Sullivan. His mother's deceased. His father's a convict in the state penitentiary. He's an escapee from the house of refuge where his original sentence of 3 months was extended to 6 months for disruptive behavior."

"Like demanding we eat the food you steal from us."

"Followed by an additional six months for an attempted escape."

"Attempted? Last time wasn't an attempted escape. Remember, Snyder? Remember Teddy Roosevelt and the carriage? Remember Roosevelt and the carriage?!"

Snyder completely disregards what he's saying and keeps talking to the judge.

"Therefore, I ask that he be returned to the house of refuge."

"Away for my own good right? Move along? For my own good and for what that kicks back to you."

"And that the court order his incarceration until the age of 21 in the hope that we may guide him to a useful and productive life."

The Judge finalises it and everyone freaks out. I don't. I know Jack will be fine. He's a tough guy and he'll find a way out.

Word Count: 955

It's about to get crazy

Selling a Story (Spot Conlon Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora