Carly Johnson

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Carly's POV

They escort Jack out and now it's my turn. The police officer that's escorting me, takes me up to the front. I'm met face to face with the devil himself. All the boys sit and wait for my sentence but I dare not look at them. Snyder starts talking for me and I wince at his voice.

"This fine lady's real name is Carly Johnson. She has been disguising herself as a boy and going under the alias of CJ Wild for two years."

I glance up to see disbelief and almost... disgust written on my friends faces.

"She's an orphan as she murdered her alcoholic parents at the age of nine. She been in and out of orphanages and the Refuge since then."

Tears start to sting my eyes and I can feel my nose burning but I keep my head down to not let it show.

"She is a thief and has been caught on many occasions of stealing. She's been sentenced to time in the House of Refuge four times and has escaped all of those times. Her sentences a year at most. Seems like quite a lot of work for such a young and innocent girl."

This is when I snap. I'm no longer sad, I'm angry. Not just at him but at everyone. My life is hell and I can't tell anyone.

"Your honor, may I say something?"

Snyder completely ignores me as he did with Jack and keeps talking.

"I suggest we give her housing in the House of Refuge until further placement in an orphanage can be made."

"Your honor! May I speak please."

I finally get everyone's attention and start to speak without being interrupted.

"I'd just like to say, I'm sorry." I glance at Spot to see him look at me angrily. "I'm sorry about everything. I was wrong and I feel awful. But I'm not a murderer and I sure as hell ain't innocent. I've been through hell and back and I ain't stopping here."

I turn back to Snyder for the last part and get a hard face once again as I look into his fake smiling face.

"And I am sorry... for this!"

I head butt Snyder and look at him to see he has a nose bleed. I look down at my shirt to find I got Snyder blood all over me. I'm quite impressed with myself.

"Containment in the House of Refuge. Sentenced."

The judge bangs his gavel and the Police starts to escort me out but we pass my friends on the way. I don't make eye contact. I just listen to their judgement. I hear Mush and other newsies start to call out names.

"Ya bum! Ya liar!"

"I'se thought you were my friend, ya dirty rat!"

I wince at their words and turn to see Spot is walking away. I guess he can't stand to be in the same vicinity as me. To be honest I deserve it. I'm an awful person.

(I know this was a short chapter but I really wanted to start the next point clean and fresh. You'll understand...)

Word Count: 522

So yeah hi. The next couple chapters should clear up any questions you got.

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