Chapter 1

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You're going to love it." Shadow said staring down at the Earth from the massive space window.
"What's it like? On earth?" Maria asked curiously looking down on the planet as well.
Shadow smiled. "Its an experience you'll never forget. Most humans take advantage of their time on earth. They take advantage of it's beauty."
"Tell me more" Maria said now looking at shadow.
"I was created to use my chaos control and come here and help you. They had told me about a human with an illness that doesn't allow her to live on earth. During my short lived days on earth, I witness it's beauty, but I'll never forget the feeling. The last memory I have of earth was something I'll never forget" Shadow looked at Maria with a spark in his eyes. "I was under this oak tree lying on the grass. The sun rays beaming through the spaces in between the leaves. I was put into this life just to be experimented on. Not even sure if I was going to be alive very long. It was tough to think about. But sitting under that oak, feeling the breeze of the warm spring air and the calm sun hitting my skin, just for a second, everything felt okay. Like I had finally found my true purpose. I felt...human."
Maria had tears filling her eyes.
"No no no Maria, it's okay."
"I'm not upset, it all just sounds so beautiful." Maria said wiping her tears.
"I'll find a way to make you better one day maria and that a promise I'll always keep." Shadow said taking Maria's hand. "I just can't wait to show you. One day we'll sit under that same oak I told you about. It'll be our spot for the rest of our lives."
"Wanna know something funny shadow?" Maria said smiling.
"What?" shadow said confused.
"I don't even know what the hell a tree is!" She exclaimed grinning.
Shadow couldn't help but to burst out laughing. "You're going to love it"

"shadow.... Shadow.... SHADOW!!!"
Shadow's chair rolled backwards from his desk as he woke up frantically. His head hit the wall "Ouch! What the hell charmy?!?!" he screamed.
"Well SORRY Mr. Grumpy pants" charmy said sarcastically. "you shouldn't have been sleeping during work hours anyways. everybody knows that's vectors job."
"What's the big idea anyways?" shadow said angrily as he rubbed the back of his head.
"Another bike was stolen on 5th Street this morning" Espio said leaning against the bulletin board with numerous thumbtacks,photos, and rubber bands all over it.
"Again?!?" shadow said in frustration. "That's the fifth damn one this week! This bike thief must be a bigger threat than we all thought..."
"It's barely a threat shadow, it's just a bike thief. We'll catch him most likely soon."Espio said still leaning against the wall gazing at his fingertips.
"He's been terrorizing the town for the last week! He must be stopped at all costs!" Shadow exclaimed.
"Shadow you don't work it G.U.N. anymore." Charmy said. "not everything that happens is done by some evil genius with a plan for world domination."
Shadow scoffed. "that's what they all say before it turns out that our bike thief was actually collecting bike parts to build a giant robot that's going to take over the world!!"

Vector walked in rubbing his eyes after waking up from his nap. "what's all the commotion about guys?"
"Another bike was stolen this morning" Espio said calmly.
"Oh don't worry about that, I was tipped off yesterday and I think we now have a lead" vector said confidently.
Espio, charmy and Shadow all glanced at each other, "oh?"
Vector grinned "you guys know about Rodger rabbit auto shop right?"
"Of course"
"Well I got a tip that he recently has gone up in supply, and it's mainly bike parts"
"Well I'd say going to confront him about it is a good idea right about now" Espio said standing up.
"I think we've caught our bike thief" shadow said grinning.
"I'll go grab the cuffs!" charmi exclaimed buzzing into the other room.
"And shadow," vector said as he was leaving the room, "leave the gun"
"We are going to need it. What if things go wrong?" Shadow said.
Vector laughed, "we are taking on Rodger rabbit for crying out loud! Now come on the rest of the crew is waiting"
Shadow rolled his eyes and followed.

Location: Rodger Rabbit Auto Pawn
"Be on high alert everyone" vector said standing in the parking lot with the crew.
Espio laughed under his breath, "looks like we are the ones framing Rodger rabbit this time" he said grinning.
"Ooooo good one!" charmy said high-fiving Espio.
"let's just get this over with" Shadow said with a sigh.
"Rodger rabbit!" yelled vector as they walk through the garage door, "you are under arrest for suspicion bike theft!"
"Woould stealing bikes be considered Grand theft Auto?" charmy whispered.
"No time to ask questions like that charmy" Espio whispered back.
"Oh no you got me all wrong" said the rabbit wearing overalls scratching the back of his ears, "see what had happened was-"
"You have the right to remain silent" vector said walking towards him with the handcuffs.
Rodger ressisted. "please let me explain"
"Stop resisting" Shadow said sternly.
"No please-"
"I don't have time to listen to your lies! We know you are the bike theft that's been causing trouble the last week!" Shadow yelled
Rodger rabbit continue to back away "no that's not true the real story is-"
Shadow let out an angry breath then pulled out his gun and aimed it towards Rodger.
"I said be quiet and do what we say!" Shadow said angrily.
Rodger started shaking and put his hands up.
"Shadow!" vector yelled, "I said no guns!"
"I already told you things would go much faster if we just did it my way!" Shadow looked back at Rodger rabbit, "now my best advice to you is come with us"
Rodger sat on the ground handcuffed.
"why have you been stealing bikes?" vector ask leaning down.
"I haven't" Rodger said in a fearful voice "in fact I was robbed just before you got here, look at my bike parts section!"
The crew looked and not a single bike part was anywhere to be seen in the shop.
"believe me now??"
"We apologize for wasting your time" Espio said calmly, "take this"
Rodger stared at the card confused. "one free session at metrotown yoga gift card?"
"Trust me, it'll come in handy one of these days" Espio said.
"Alright then...."

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