Chapter 6

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Sirens could be heard in the distance. There have been noise complaints a few blocks away, but the cops weren't expecting to arrive only to see downtown was completely demolished.
"The hell happened here?" One of the cops asked stepping out of his car.

"That happened" said Vector pointing to dark Maria hovering above them in the sky.

"What is that thing?!?" The second officer said stepping out of his car.

"She's not a thing!!" Shadow shouted at them angrily.

"Shadow!" Honey exclaimed, "you need to calm down. we need to figure out a way to deal with this situation before we all end up like eggman."

"Eggman?" the first officer said, "didn't he like die in that space explosion or something?"

"He faked his death" shadow said bluntly.

"well I don't think he can find his way back this time.." charmy said with a disturbed look pointing at the pile of dust on the ground with only the goggles sitting on top of it.

"Well I guess that's one good deed Maria did tonight hehe.." Vector laughed nervously trying to lighten up the mood, but everyone still looked horrified after the events of tonight.

"Huh..." Vector began, "tough crowd"

"we might have to call for back up Blake" said officer two.

"No need!" vector said confidently, "the chaotix got this!"

The two officers looked at each other and laughed hysterically.

"Oh!" officer two exclaimed, "weren't you guys the ones that helped find my grandma's cat??"

The two officers laughed even harder.

"Come on," "tell em, guys."

Espio remained silent.

"of course we got this!" charmy began, "right shadow?"

The officers looked at Shadow in complete surprise.

"Wait a minute.." the first officer began, "Shadow The Hedgehog? World-renowned hero who saved us from situations like the black comet and from total destruction to the planet? That shadow...has joined the chaotix??"

The two officers laughed even harder.

"man the world really has changed since we weren't taken over by that dictator!" officer two shouted,
"What a downgrade!!"

"You guys are law enforcement!" honey began, "how come you guys aren't taking this situation seriously?? Did you not realize that she just turned a man into dust?!"

"and look at all the damage all over the place!" charmy replied in agreement.

"we don't have a chance at stopping her anyway" Espio said bluntly.

"Not with that attitude Espio!" charmy replied confidently.

"no I'm serious." Espio said pointing to the sky, "she's gone"

Everyone looked to the sky immediately. Dark Maria was nowhere to be seen.

"No.. this isn't good." Honey panicked, "this is not good at all.."

"What a shame" fang said.

Honey turned around and looked fang straight in the eyes.

"This.. this is all your fault!!" she said almost looking like she was going to punch him. "none of this would've happened if you had just listened to me and left her alone. Because of you being greedy, now the entire city is in danger!"

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