Chapter 5

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A video call appeared on dr

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A video call appeared on dr. Eggman's computer. He laughed and answered secy bark the polar bear driving a van with a girl with a bag over her head in the back.

"the deed is done Doctor eggman" bark said driving the car.

"Excellent.." eggman said rubbing his hands together and grinning.

"we'll exchange the girl for the money when we get there and then that's the end of it." bark said bluntly. "and then I want no part in any of your wicked plans. This is the end of our alliance eggman. Then I'm going back to living my normal life."

"Of course.." eggman said, "thank you for your cooperation, I will see you when you get here"

"Understood" bark said before hanging up.

Eggman turned around

"Now Maria.." he said opening a container revealing the Master emerald, "time to give you a proper reintroduction"

Back At The Dorm

Honey let out a sigh and she flipped open text her textbook.
She had a big test on the cardiovascular system tomorrow morning and she hadn't even studied yet. So much have been on her mind in the last week. Honey poked at her paper with her pencil.

Could it really be her? Is she not who she says she is and we've been duped this entire time? It all has to be some type of coincidence, Maria couldn't be capable of anything like that.
But was it really all a coincidence? A coincidence that she happens to look exactly like that girl in the photo? The fact that she can't remember anything from 2 years ago.. which is exactly when that experiment escaped from eggman's lab. The girl in the photo was raised on the space colony ark.. which is exactly where Shadow the Hedgehog is from. And then all of a sudden Maria starts going on about how she feels like she seen Shadow from somewhere. How he looks familiar. Like from an old all makes sense if you connect the dots. But how could Maria be one of his experiments? She doesn't even look threatening..

Honey looked up and saw bean was pacing back and forth.

That's unusual.

"Everything alright Bean?" honey asked suspiciously, "you look a little worried"

"Oh me? Pffft, never been better" bean replied, it was obvious bean was nervous about something.

What are you hiding?

"It's just I've noticed you arent acting yourself lately.." honey replied glancing up at him this time. "You're usually blasting your loud annoying music in your room by this time of day. So you want to tell me what's going on?"

"Um.. just thinking about Maria is all" bean said, "just hoping that her date is going well heh.."

Honey raised an eyebrow.

"That's strange" she replied bluntly.

"what do you mean, is there something wrong with me worrying about my best friend having a good time?"

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