Chapter 2

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Elizabeth's P.O.V

I look around nervously, as I wait for them to be done with churro. Churro is a big German Sheperd who is actually very friendly. I feel as if im being watched and my thoughts were confirmed once I lifted my head from its resting downward position and notice a incredibly attractive man staring at me.
'Is there something on my face?' I thought frantically. I blush as I look back down. After a good 10 minutes I hear my name called.
"Elizabeth?" A young male veterinarian calls out.
"Thats me" I say very shyly. I get up and get greeted by churro as he pounces on me and starts licking my face.
"Well he looks very healthy but he does need to eat more. He appears to be a little underweight but its nothing a few extra meals couldnt fix"
I process everything as I finish putting the leash on him. I look up at the veterinarian and say thank you. He looks at me with a smirk and gives me a your welcome followed by a wink.
I turned away, slightly embarrassed of the situation only to end up on the ground after running into the door.
I rub my head and look up after noticing it wasnt a door, it was the same man I caught staring at me earlier.
"Are you alright little one?"
I blushed at the name after nodding and mumbling a quiet yes. The tall man immediately directs his focus towards the male veterinarian who was midway calling out somebodys name.
"And are you going to apologize to this young lady or are you going to just stand there like a fucking idiot and act like I didnt just see you fucking wink at her" Caspian yells loud, so loud im surprised the ground didnt shake.
"Just give me my fucking dog and best believe you wont have a job tomorrow"
I get up off the ground and scurry out the door. I look at my watch and realize im late.
"Fuck" I mumble to myself.
I made it past the parking lot before a Range Rover Escalade pulls up along side me, the window rolls down and reveals the strange mystery man.
"Would you like a ride home little one. It is raining incredibly and your dog sure seems to be in some discomfort"
I look at the man strangely and then give him a small smile and say,
"No thank you, ill be fine"
I continue walking, im absolutely soaked by this point.
The SUV pulls up once again.
"That wasnt a question. Put your dog in the back and get in. You will be safe and dry and thats all I care about right now."
"How do I know you wont kidnap me?" I ask with a slightly frightened look.
"Hand me your phone darling"
"Once again it wasnt a question"
I hand him my phone and see he dials someone. He hands it back to me and tells me to get in.
"Whenever you don't feel comfortable just push the button and 911 will be on there way"
I give him my adress and we begin the semi long way home. After atleast 15 minutes of silence. I realize I had never got this mans name.
"Sooo, um.. Whats your name?"
He glances at me before looking back at the road.
"Caspian, Caspian Reyonolds"
My eyes widen in shock. This really couldn't be the most famous billionaire in the world. He is like major popular. He owns 3 company's and is the CEO of all of them. I decided not to ask and just stay quiet for the rest of the ride home. Shortly he pulls up next to my house and of course the lights are on. Its 6pm so that means fathers home. I thank Caspian as I get my dog out the back of the SUV. I stand on my pourch while putting in the key. With a turn and push the door opens. I suck in a breath and walk in.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2020 ⏰

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