18 | Unknown comfort.

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When I am with you all I get is wild thoughts
Wild Wild Wild
Rihanna—Wild Thoughts

When I am with you all I get is wild thoughts Wild Wild Wild Rihanna—Wild Thoughts

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“There was only one bed available at the dorm so I have booked it till the end of this semester. Is that okay?” Zayden asked walking inside the room.

Till the end of this semester. What am I going to do later?

Seeing my confused look Zayden continued, “During semester holidays mom wants us to visit her. She informed me few days before.”

“Yeah okay.”

Morning like usual I prepared breakfast placed it on table and walked inside the room to wake him up. I smile bitterly thinking that from tomorrow I won’t be here to wake him up.

“Zayden…” I called twice patting his hand.

He rubbed his eyes and half opened his eyelids looking at me with five-o'clock shadow look. I just smiled and turned around to leave without wishing him Good Morning.

When I was almost near to the door I heard Zayden's husky voice, “Good morning”

My steps seized as if my shoes were glued to the floor. I turn around only to find him walking towards the bathroom.

Did he just wish me morning? God, am I dreaming?


Alex and Zayden helped me in shifting all my things.
Call it a bad luck or whatever Jannet was my room mate.

Jannet looked elated when she got to know that I’ll be staying at dorm from now on. I’m sure she was happy because I was out of the house and now she can visit Zayden anytime without any hindrance.

That day the only news which was buzzing in the entire college was — Zayden and Jannet are now dating; it’s official.

I was drawing circles on my notebook when Zayden and Alex entered the classroom. I peer at Zayden's poker face. I don’t know what it is about Zayden that makes him so attractive. No matter he smiles or not he still manages to look handsome. Whenever I look at him my heart flutters with different emotions.

I kept staring at the duo while they leisurely walked inside the classroom. Alex threw a smile in my direction with a curt nod while Zayden for the first time glanced in my direction leaving me stunned.

Today Zayden was doing things which he had never done before.
I lowered my head diverting my attention when someone plopped on chair next to mine.

I snap my head to right only to find William sitting next to me.

“Why — Why are you sitting here?” I was startled.

“Stop looking at me like that. Your eyes will budge out anytime soon. Don’t forget I was your favorite brother once.” He said reclining back in his seat.

William was my favorite when we were small. He used to fight with Aunt until she agrees to serve me dinner along with him. He always made sure none of them caused me any trouble.

“Harriet did you hear what everyone are speaking about your HUSBAND and Jannet?” he asked with his eyes laced with concern.

“Yeah but why are you so concerned?!”

“Let’s speak about this outside the classroom.” He stated walking out of the class. I picked my bag and followed him.

“Are you mad Harriet? See not all girls are like you. If you leave Zayden to do whatever he wants, he will go with Jannet and then you will be left alone. Are you understanding?” he clenched his jaws and continued, “… and why the hell are you staying at dorm?!”

I lower my eyes biting my lips, “I am giving him space. He said he is attracted to her and so —” before I could complete my sentence William's rage filled voice boomed cutting me off.

“He fucking said what? What the fuck does he mean by he is attracted to her. He is married for crying out loud. I’m going to fucking kill that bastard…” William roared making my eyes wide. I was kinda scared cause William never swears so much not to forget he was looking like ferocious beast. He turned around to leave but I grasped his hand halting him.

“William listen to me please. I asked him to sort his feelings, I can’t live with him if he is likes someone else. It’s not fair, none of us will be happy in that case. If Zayden chooses her then I will move out of his life… You don’t have to worry so much about me.” I state wrapping my hands around Williams arms. I give him a light smile.

“Stop with this emotional speech okay.”

I was about to tease William more when someone bumped into me from behind. I turn around to see it was a guy from my English class. It was his mistake but since I was used to apologizing for every little thing, I asked him sorry.

“What sorry? Don’t you have eyes. My new shoes are smeared with ice cream because of you. You better clean my shoes right now.” He growled at me.

“You were the one who bumped into her. So help yourself.” William replied

“Look who is speaking. You are taking her side now huh. Interesting.” He said loudly catching people’s attention.

Smirking he averted his gaze to me and asked, “What magic did you do on him. In one day he went from hating you to loving you. C'mon show us too…” He laughed taking a step closer to me. Raising his hand he was about to touch my cheek when William held his collar and pushed him away from me.

“Don’t you dare touch her.” William said

“What the hell dude. Is she your next target —” And before he could complete his sentence, William punched him in his face.

“Do not speak rubbish about Harriet.” William roared.

“Why? Tell us who is she to you. Why are you so protective of her suddenly.” The guy was fuming with anger.

“I think you don’t know her full name. She is Harriet Granger — my sister. So from now on; think twice even before looking at her with your disgusting eyes. You mess with her, you mess with me. Dare to bully her and I swear I’ll show you what is hell.” William announced clenching his jaws. I could hear distant whispering and gasps from our surrounding.

I felt like crying, William openly announced that I am his sister. This was no less than achievement for me. All these years of hatred and today I finally got to know that hatred was just a show he still cares for me.


I walk inside the room to see Jannet getting ready.

“Oh Hi…” She gushed when I entered the room. “C'mon help me select a dress.”

Am I missing something? Are we friends?

“Are you going somewhere?” I asked placing my bag on the table.

“Not today. I’m trying so that I can decide which one to wear on DJ night.” She twirled gazing herself in the mirror.

Oh yes, the DJ night was in two days and as usual I wasn’t attending it. Moreover, I didn’t have a partner so I might as well read some interesting novel and spend my time.

“So which one.” Jannet asked holding two dresses in her hand.

“Uh the white one.”

“You know Zayden is going to accompany me to the DJ. I am so very excited.” She gushed pouting.

Sorry but I can’t tell the same. I was not at all happy listening to this. The same night Zayden came to our room at 8 pm.

“You said you wanted to have dinner out right?” he asked Jannet whose face lit up the next instinct.

So he came here to take her out.

“Yeah. Give me five minutes. I’ll change into something good.” With that she rushed towards the bathroom after picking up a black dress from cupboard.

I had my gaze glued to my phone screen albeit my whole concentration wandered around the guy sitting few meters away from me.

He cleared his throat making me snap my head in his direction.
“Are you comfortable here?” he asked staring at my orbs.

“Um, yes.”

I still couldn’t wrap my head with the fact that he started the conversation.

“Did you have dinner.” He asked after a minute of silence.

“Yes. What about you?” I asked but then it hit my mind that he was here to take Jannet for dinner.

“No…I’m waiting for Alex.” He replied

Nodding my head I lowered my gaze towards my hands. Should I ask him about DJ?

“So, I heard you and Jannet are going to DJ together.” I mutter looking at the painting hanging on the wall.

“She insisted so I said yes. Are you not coming?”

“No… I prefer spending some alone time.” I answer looking up at him. He had his hands pressed against the mattress while his body was slightly leaned backwards. He was staring at me intensely making my stomach churn. I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear looking away from him.

“Okay,” he stood up slipping his hands inside his pocket, “I will be leaving now. If Jannet asks tell her Alex called me and I had some important work to do so I can’t take her out tonight… I’ll take her out some other day.” Saying this he gave a curt nod and walked out of the room.

My mouth hung open. I was sitting right in front of him, he never got any call or message from Alex.

Why did he lie?

“I am ready…” Jannet announced walking out of the bathroom. Her eyes roamed the room searching for Zayden.

“He went, Alex called him. He had some important work.” I answered looking at her confused face.

“Oh” she muttered slumping her shoulders.

I turned on the reading lamp and started working on problems. Semester exams were nearing and I didn’t want to lose my rank at any cost.


Next day at college people were staring at me with slight fear plastered in their eyes.

Yesterday’s incident effect!!

After class I was sitting at the library solving some problems when Zayden and Alex walked inside the library and took a seat right in front of me.

“Hi cutie!” Alex chirped smiling at me.

“Hi,” I blush pressing my lips straight.

Zayden watched to and fro between Alex and I with confusion laced on his face. He stared at me as if I was some crime.

Should I tell him hi? Chuck it. Shaking my head I drop my gaze back to the book in front of me ignoring his intense gaze.
Zayden opened some book and started reading while Alex kept his gaze glued to his phone.

After some time Alex huffed loudly, “Okay I am done. How long are you both planning to sit like stone and stare at books. Anyone up for some strong coffee…” He asked plopping his elbows on the desk.

“No” I and Zayden replied at the same time.

“Seriously?” Alex gaped at both of us with his eyebrows angled upwards. “You know what, enjoy each others boring company cause I am leaving…” he announced standing up and strolling out of library.

My phone chimed indicating an I coming call from Rose.

“Hello,” I whisper looking around making sure I don’t speak loudly. “Please tell me I got the job…” I pleaded biting my lips.

“You did.”

I close my eyes grinning ear to ear, “Thank you. I’m at library; will call you in the evening.” I said and disconnected the call.

After doing a happy dance in my head I open to my eyes only to find Zayden throwing a questioning look in my direction.

“What was the job you were speaking about?” he asked

“I had applied for part time job at the restaurant.”

“Why do you even need a part time job? If you want anything you can ask me. I’ll get you…” He closed the book and gave me all his undivided attention.

“No I don’t want to burden you with anything. You are already paying for dorm.” I mutter fidgeting with the pen in my hand.

He clenched his jaws, I could literally see veins running across his temples. He glowered at me making me gulp loudly. “For the last time listen to me carefully Harriet.” He started with his teeth clenched.

The way my name rolled out of his lips made my stomach churn with nervousness. Albeit his voice was laced with rage my heart skipped a beat.

“You aren’t a burden to me. If you tell this sentence once more I will make sure you vacate the dorm and shift back home.” He growled pressing his palms on desk. Giving me one last angry glance, he stormed out of the library.

It is so difficult to predict his mood. Why was he mad though? No matter what, I was doing this job.

I sigh laying on bed when my phone chimed with incoming message.

Unknown — Are you attending DJ?

ME — No… I have never attended before and moreover I don’t have a partner.

Unknown – Don’t worry about partner. I would be really happy if you attend angel.

Me – Okay, I’ll try no promises!

Unknown –  Thanks Angel. Good Night

Me – Good night.

I place my phone besides the pillow and think about this guy behind the curtain. Whoever this person was, one thing was sure he doesn’t make me uncomfortable.


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