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Dedicated to :

FirdousJahan  ShavetaSingh7 Sasa_fille  SivaSaiPreethiGajula Snehatingilkar  PoojanamMoodelly9 AyeshaAfaq  IfrahTariq147 ArchanaJayan0  SiaraL9 DivyaSaroha

Zayden pov :

The moment angel closed her eyes I felt dead from inside. I had no idea what's going around me.

I was just yelling at Alex cause I was not understanding what else to do.
"Man, you need to calm down. I can't handle you and cutie both. Please zayden " Alex was trying to calm me but it was next to impossible not when angel isn't responding me.
I buried my face in crook of her neck hugging her as if my life is dependent on her, well it is!
Angel was surrounded by blood, I don't want to think about the outcome now. I might go crazy, I can't take so much stress.

I just want my angel to be safe...

Soon we took her to the hospital , doctor arrived with some form in his hand "Look Mr. Harley, now since she has lost lot of blood we can't guarantee the safety of both mother and the child. I need you to sign this form " He said handling me the form.

I was in a daze, what am I going to do if something happens to angel.
"Zayden you need to make it fast so that they can operate cutie! " Alex placed his hand on my shoulder asking me to sign the form.

"Please save my angel " I pleaded looking at the doctor "We will try our best " He said and walked inside.
Every passing second was killing me. I was walking to and fro in front of OT room and the blood on my shirt and my hands was reminding me of angel shattered face. How she was begging and praying for our child.

What's more painful is today all our dreams came to an end.Just a month before we were so happy thinking about a complete family and now I don't even know what will happen to my angel and my unborn child.

"I informed your parents, they will arrive tonight " Alex said " Change your outfit " He suggested giving me a clean shirt.

I buried my face in my palms " Why didn't I protect her properly " I feel somewhere it's my mistake. I should have never allowed angel close to anyone.
"I am going to burn their entire lives " I said thinking about jannet and jasmine.
How did they even touch my angel? They actually made a death wish by touching my angel.

"Well, the process is already started. I already filed a case against both of them and not to forget your dad withdrew from all the projects where Harley's were partners with Barlow's " He sat next to me "You don't need to worry about jasmine cause I have my ways to deal with her. She touched someone who is very important for me and this is personal now. I will take care of those people, you just take care of her. She needs you now! " and this the reason why I say Alex is my brother.
"Thank you man " I said closing my eyes and thinking about happy face of my angel who is now fighting for her life.

After an hour or such doctor came out with his face as long as a fiddle.
"How is she?! " Alex was the one to ask cause my voice was struck in my throat and I was holding the window to stand erect.

"The chances of saving the baby were only 30 percent but the doctor you people called from abroad suggested not to remove baby, even though she had lost a lot of blood we were able to save the baby " He said looking at me "How is my wife?! " I asked pressing my lips in a straight line.

"For now she is unconscious but she is out of danger. But I really think as the time passes her life will be in danger, you need to decide before next month "

I took a deep long breath of relief,  she is fine that is all I want.
"Can we see her?! " Alex asked doctor while tapping my back.
" Yes you can "

I sat next to angel holding her hand , she literally killed me by giving shock of my life.
"I will speak with the doctor you specially called to examine cutie " Alex said and walked out of the room.
Angel batted her eyelids slowly, she raised her head to look at me with eyes already filled with tears "zayden " She whispered

"Angel! You scared me like hell " I said leaning in and kissing the top of her head.
"Please - please tell me, my baby is fine " She asked trying to get up.
I helped her to sit up and sat next to her , pulling her in my embrace, I said,"Our baby is doing fine angel " I caressed her hair.
"Really? " She smiled while running her hand on her flat belly with happy tears rolling down her cheek.
"Yes baby! The doctor said there are chances of saving both of you , if we follow some precautions and keep your health stable " I held her tightly.

" I was scared zayden, I thought we are going to lose our baby " She said burying her face in my chest.
"Don't worry now everything is alright. Mom is coming tonight and we are going to fly back with her. Your health is most important" My parents and I already decided that angel and I are going to stay with our parents till the end of her pregnancy.
We sat in the same position for few minutes, I tilt my head to see angel was already fast asleep. I laid her on bed and walked out to take care of those people who hurt my love.

I need to show them what happens if you mess with Zayden Harley!


A/N : This chapter is dedicated to few of you and I included few in previous chapter also! So take a look at it.... I just want to thank all of you from bottom of heart💜 who have literally come here to another app just to read my story... This means more than I could express🥺🥺🙈🙏..
So this is small thing I am doing to thank you guys... Thank you soo much❤.. I will try not to exclude anyone. If I do miss anyone I am sorry!!
Upcoming chapters  will be dedicated to my other lovely and supportive readers!!

Aish!!! I am not at all strong to kill a baby, even if it's a novel... So I changed the plot they are gonna have baby... Yayy!! 😭

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