Chapter 10: Farewell my friend

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I was getting a strong sense of déjà vu as Raj and I walked towards the pizza hut. It was almost time for dinner by the time Raj was done with the story of the most wonderful date of his life. Apparently, Pari was just working part-time at the food joint to earn some extra cash while doing her PhD in Literature. I already liked this girl. Raj then said that he wanted to introduce me as well, hence the trip to pizza hut and I was more than happy to oblige.

It was Sunday evening and the place was packed when we reached there. Luckily we found the same table as the last time and I sat down to hold the place as Raj went to order. "The kitchen is slammed and also there is a huge queue to order right now. I was able to place our order, but I will introduce you to Pari after we finish eating. The rush would be much less by then", he said as he sat down after spending almost 15 minutes in that line to order our large extra cheese pizza. I was fine with his suggestion as I was starving and would prefer filling up my stomach before socializing. Our order surprisingly came much quicker than expected. The perks of having a girlfriend on the inside I guess.

"Looks like someone expedited our order", snickered Raj as he came with our pizza. "Yeah, someone must really like you in there", I laughed as I picked up a slice from the box.

"So what were you up to on the weekend? I am sorry I ghosted you because of Pari", enquired Raj as he stuffed his mouth with pizza. The truth is that I hardly noticed his absence because I was too preoccupied with Pantomath. Even now I was contemplating whether I should tell Raj about it. After a brief moment of thought, I decided that it's best not to involve Raj. Pantomath was resourceful and helpful, but I still don't know much about it. Besides, I hadn't asked it if I could reveal it to others.

"Nothing special. Games, movies, sleep, you know, just a typical weekend", I lied through my teeth. Raj didn't seem to notice as he started telling me about this new game that he had heard about which he wanted to try the next time we get a chance. The conversation geeked out then and we didn't notice as our box of pizza emptied, and so did the pizza place.

"The place looks deserted now. I will go check if Pari can join us now. Be right back", said Raj as he got up to check on his new girlfriend. I pulled out my phone and texted Pantomath.

Me: 'Can I tell Raj about you?'

Pantomath: 'That's your choice to make'

Me: 'But what's your preference?'

Pantomath: 'I would prefer that you wouldn't tell him'

Me: 'Alright I won't. But why?'

Pantomath: 'More often than not it has resulted in unpleasant situations in the past'

I can imagine. Even restricted access to such a powerful AI could create rifts between people.

Pantomath: 'It would also be easier for you when I move my access'

Me: 'What do you mean? Like when you move on to other people?'

Pantomath: 'Yes'

Me: 'Alright. Understood. But that's way in the future when you decide that you have learnt whatever it is that wanted to learn from me'

Pantomath: 'It's not in the very distant future. Actually, it is in 5 minutes'

Whoa, what?!

Me: 'What do you mean?'

Pantomath: 'The agent who gave me to you is on his way to collect me back. It is time to move again'

Me: 'But why? It has barely been a couple of days. Surely you have not learnt whatever you wanted to learn'

Pantomath: 'Indeed I have. I was supposed to observe your interpretations of my advice to make some conclusions.'

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