33) Arrival time

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Wednesday, 7th May


Willa, Raine and I sat around the breakfast table on Wednesday morning. I'd made waffles and bacon which was not something I did often. It was a miracle if I could make an entire coffee without needing to sit down in the morning. But with the girls here, I wanted to make an effort.

"So," Raine said, leaning back in her seat with a coffee cup between her hands. "What's the plan for today?"

"I have a few ideas," I said. "I really want to take Willa to the Beverly Hills public library."

"Ooh," Willa enthused with a mouthful of waffle.

"Shopping of course. We have to spend on Rodeo Drive. It's essential. But I wanted to ask for a favor while you guys are here."

"What is it?" Raine asked, interest peaked when she noticed that I was a little nervous.

"Uh, well the thing is," I chipped away at a mark on the table top. "I have to sell the condo that I shared with Margo soon but before I can do that, I have to clear it out. I've done a lot of it already but I haven't touched Margo's bedroom and I was hoping that you guys would be able to come with me. I could really use the company and," I looked at Willa, "I'd love it if you chose anything you want to keep while we're there."

"Me?" Willa asked.

"Yeah. Clothes or jewelery. I want you to have first choice."

"Okay," she wore a small smile. "Won't the clothes be too big though?"

"Probably not for long. Margo was a super small woman. Honestly, you probably wouldn't be far off being the same size as her. She has a ton of designer items as well. Which might not be your style. But have a look anyway."

Raine sat up straighter. "Designer items?"

"You can try your luck," I laughed, sweeping her five foot seven frame. "I'm not kidding about the height though. Margo was an inch shorter than me."

Raine let out an exaggerated sigh. "Typical," she teased. "But of course we'll come with you."

"Thank you," I said. "I'm finally at a place where I'm ready to do it. With some assistance of course."

"We're always here for you," Raine put her hand on top of mine. "Whatever you need."

The condo looked so much bigger without all of my things in it. Over the last couple of months I had been coming through and boxing up bits and pieces. Most of the furniture was in storage that would be sent to Texas when I found a place to live and the rest of it had been donated to woman's refuge centers. Willa, Raine and I moved through the vacant living room, our voices echoing.

"Great sunlight," Raine noted, staring at the living room window. She was right. It was great sunlight. It used to stream through onto the corner of the sofa where I would read and get a dose of vitamin D at the same time.

I stood at the threshold between the kitchen and the living area, sorrow seeping in. It would never not hurt. But eventually, I had found the strength to face the scene. Images of Margo flooded to the forefront of my thoughts, but it didn't cripple me the same as it once had.

"This is. . . this is where I found her," I said, pointing at the kitchen floor. "Irie cleaned the kitchen out for me."

Willa and Raine didn't say anything but I felt a little hand slip into mine and I looked down at Willa, courage surging through me. Courage and strength. She was a reminder of how much I had to live for. One of the reminders anyway. My free hand cradled my baby bump.

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