36) it's us

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Saturday, October 6th.


Willa was tucked up on the mattress beside Maggie. She'd changed into a pair of PJs  from the bag that she was bringing to my place. Plus one of Zac's hoodies because it was cold but the heating wasn't on. It required willpower not to sniff the fabric because I knew it would smell like him.

"Maggie usually sleeps through the night but I'll come back and check on you both before I come to bed."

"Will you sleep in here too?" She whispered.

"Yep, there's plenty of room. Will you be alright in here?"

"Yes," I could just see her wide grin thanks to the LED lantern that Zac had found in the hall closet. It was safer than candles. "This is fun."

"You're not scared of the storm?"

"No, it's just a storm," she said and snuggled further into the comforters.

Each little new piece of information that I learned about her was a gem in the treasure trove. There was years of missing pieces that I needed to collect and I couldn't get enough.

"Addie," she whispered. "Remember when I asked if I could call you mom?"

"Of course."

We never got to come back to that conversation. Maggie came along and by the time things settled again, I wasn't sure how or if I should bring it up. Willa didn't bring it up either so I figured I would wait until she did.

"I still want to call you mom."

Luckily, because of all the time I'd had to think about this, I had an answer. "What if we talked to Raine and Milo and maybe, if it's alright with everyone, you could call me and Raine mom?"

Her expression brightened.

"How does that sound?" I asked. "I think Raine deserves to be called mom just as much as me, if not more. I mean, at the end of the day, it's your choice. It was just an idea."

"I love it," she kicked her feet with excitement under the comforter. "You're both my mom, so it's a good idea!"


She nodded, her eyes turning into little crescents and her cheeks dimpled.

"Okay," I leaned down and kissed her forehead. "We'll talk to your dad and Raine when they get back from their honeymoon. For now, you get some sleep. I love you, Will."

"I love you too."

We said goodnight and I told her I would be back soon. There wasn't much else to do tonight apart from go to bed, but I needed to thank Zac for having us. As I wandered back down the dark corridor, I checked my phone and saw a text from Raine.

Guests are heading home. Not many of us left. We'll be heading home soon too. How's Willa? You guys doing okay?

Hey, we're all good in here. Willa is in bed, bunking with Maggie. Drive safe. This weather is nuts.

The front room was glowing with candles, their shadows flickered on the walls and ceiling. The windows along the front of the house revealed cars slowly leaving the property, their headlights illuminating the heavy downpour in front of them.

Zac was standing beside the window, his back to me with his hands in his sweat pockets. He'd obviously changed because he was now in a fitted white t shirt that was just as alluring as the dress shirt he'd worn before.

"Willa's in bed," I said, avoiding his stare when he turned around. "I'll um— I guess I'll just go to bed too. Thanks for having us."

"Addie," he said before I could turn around. "Can we talk for a minute?"

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