Transmission 1: Rough Awakening

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History tends to repeat itself, more often than not; the same thought of expansion and power versus the well being of others tends to pleague the minds of those called Homosapiens.


Foolish and yet fascinating creatures.

Loyal hypocrites to mankind just thirsty for power and knowledge on the subjects of warfare and chaos.

At least thats what Serah Ross had thought of their kind, being one of many test subjects in the study of mutation genetics. The study upon mutations that far excedes the human's history of evolution; her face remaining into that of a stoic look as she awoke to the blinding white walls she always had since childhood. It had been years since she was admitted to the facility known worldwide as Wayland Enterprice. She combed her fingers through her short wavy locks, sitting up from her momentus slumber and glancing out the translucent wall to her cell.

Normally she woke to that of doctors or nurses -taking notes of her charts and progress of various tests- or guards slamming their fists against the glass to fetch her for their next tormentious test.

She hated it here.

The blinding white walls that matched her white and black apparel, the barbaric brutes - or so called guards- adament of respect and obedience, or even Mr. Weyland himself whom would visit her tank to just stare, observing her as she continued to stay at the age of fifteen when twenty five years had aleady past.

"You should feel very lucky, number 63," he'd smirk bemusedly, back straight and hands held behind his back, " not even my own children get as much-" he searched his terminology carefully, "treatment as you do."

He walked back and forth to amuse himself with his one sided conversation, " they couldn't even keep my attention for as long as you have."

And just like this he would go on until boredom became his only company.

That was one of the many gifts Serah had obtained in her life; apart from learning how to ignore him,the gift of eternal youth was very much gracious to her, she could see that he would gain a new wrinkle here or even noticing the rate of grey hairs growing in there. Though as each day goes by and each test becoming all the more painful, the more eager Mr. Wayland was to figure out her genetics to prolonged life.

All the more, she detested and dispised the man with a great passion.

And yet, to her great surprise, it wasnt any of them she had awoken to; but to the light taps of Lionel Greene at her cell.

With a gateway key in his hand.

She looked to the surveilance cameras, seeing that they were shut off or rolling some other footage, she ran her way to the front with her hands against the translucent prison. Though glad to see her fellow comerade she was puzzled as to how he was able to escape, until she looked down to his arm where their harnassing chips were- in the middle of their lower arm- was bloodied and bandaged; the roman numerals to his test name still showed.


Lionel Greene had kept his promise.

He managed to get his power back and came for her.

She felt the brief glide of the glass escape her touch before feeling enveloped into a warm, strong embrace. And with that her heart began to beat fast, his scent of linen soap and sweat sending her into a moment of recollection and bliss; from the moment he arrived a few years ago til now, their spark for one another was reconsiled.

She had remembered his promise to her before, he'd figured out a way to get her back and escape this hell.

Her emerald eyes caught his soft brown hues before he brought the keycard to her forearm, deactivating the chip for a moment. They couldn't exchange many words, but not one needed to be spoken; they understood without having to say, only do.

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