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Voice call with Harry💗 00:12

"Hey, babe. What's up?"


"Wait... Ares, is that you?"


"What are you doing with
your dad's phone, love?"

"I'm worried about Daddy..."


"What do you mean, Ares? Is he okay?"

"I don't know...I think he hit
his head or something
because he's acting weird..."

"What? Where is he?"

"He's up on his floor."

"His floor? Like in the hospital?"

"No, in the house..."

"Right... his floor of the
house. What happened,
babe? Can you tell me?"

"I saw him kissing Uncle Mitchie earlier..."


"I went upstairs to ask
Daddy if he would play in
the pool with me, and I saw
him kissing Uncle Mitchie!"


"Are you sure that's what you
saw? Maybe it was a kiss on
the cheek or something..."

"It was definitely a kiss!
Anyways, I love Uncle Mitchie
but I don't want him to be my
dad. I'd rather you be my dad!
So, what are we going to do?"

"So... let me get this straight.
You're Dad is fine, he was
just kissing Uncle Mitchie?"

"It's a big deal, Zen! You
told me to put in a good
word for you the other day
and I did! Daddy said he
really liked you, so you can't
let Uncle Mitchie steal him!"

"Hm, I doubt that's going to happen."

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm just gonna ask him
about it later. Once you give
your dad his phone back."

"Oh... but you won't tell
him I told you, right?"

"That depends..."

"Depends on what?"

"If you're lying or not."

"I-I'm not lying! I saw them kissing!"


"Yeah, w-with tongue and everything!"

"Interesting. I guess I'll
just have to ask your dad if
that's what you really saw."



"Fine... you caught me."

"Ha. I knew it."

"How did you know?"

"It was mostly just wishful
thinking. I also know you
can be a little mischievous."

"Okay... but daddy did say
he really liked you, so you
better step up your game!"

"You saying I don't have
game? Look at my eyebrow,
I have plenty of game."

"You're eyebrow looks
a little bushy too me."

le gasp

"That was hurtful, kiddo. My
eyebrows are my best feature."

"Zen! I'm serious! I had to take
matters into my own hands
'cause you won't ask him out!"

"I'm not trying to rush things, babe.
You'll understand once you have someone
you like. If your dad lets you, of course."


"And no more lying, okay?
If I would have believed
you, I probably would have
stopped talking to your dad."


"Great. Now give your dad
his phone back, kiddo."

"Fine. Bye, Zen."

"Bye, Ares."

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