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FaceTime with Harry 00:01



"No, it's me."


"Ares, what are you doing
with your dad's phone—"


"Zen! What did you do?!"


"Ares, I'm not sure it's appropriate
to talk about this with you—."

"This is serious, Zen! Daddy's
eating ice cream! He never eats
ice cream! He hates sugar!"

"Babe, I don't know what he's
told you but I just don't think
it's going to work out—"


"Zen, you promised!"


"Ares. It's not going to happen, okay?
I messed things up with your dad, and
I don't think I can fix them this time."

"You can fix it! Daddy likes you a lot,
and he never stays mad for that long.
I remember one time I broke one of
his favorite vases and he was only
mad at me for like ten minutes."


"Babe. This isn't just a vase...
I hurt his feelings really bad."


"But if you say you're sorry,
I'm sure he'll forgive you!"

"I already apologized, kiddo.
He didn't want to accept it, so
I think it's best to move on."


"Don't you still like him?"


"Of course I do, love. But there's
also some things we don't agree
on that I'm not sure I can let go."

"Don't you want to make it better?"


"I mean... yeah, I do."



"What if I can prove it to you?"

"What do you mean?"

"I can prove he still likes you too.
But you have to be really quiet okay?"


"Ares, what are you doing—"







Hm? What's wrong, baby?

Nothing, Daddy. I just wanted
to make you feel better...

Aw. Come here, honey bee."




"Your cuddles always
make me feel better.

Daddy... how come you
and Zen are fighting?"




"We got into a bit of a
disagreement, that's all.

Are you gonna make up?

I don't think so, baby. We
both said some things that
were probably out of line.

But don't you love him, Daddy?

...I-I'm not sure. Love
is a very strong word..."


"I think he still likes you. Alot.

Yeah? You think?

Mhm. I bet he's really sorry
for hurting your feelings.

How do you know
he hurt my feelings?

Daddy. You're eating ice
cream. You hate ice cream.

Ha... yeah, I do."


"Will you make up
with Zen please? For me?

You really like him too, huh?

Mhm. And he makes you smile
really pretty when you talk to him.

You noticed that?

Of course. I love you, Daddy.
I just want you to be happy.

You're an angel, you know that?

Yeah, I know. Haha.

I love you, baby... I'll talk
to Zayn tomorrow, okay?


— 𐐪𐑂—

A/N: sorry if this was confusing, i tried my best sksk


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