7 | Steal (III)

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Reeca scratched her neck when the fur lining the collar of her coat brushed her skin

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Reeca scratched her neck when the fur lining the collar of her coat brushed her skin. She clicked her tongue as she tore through the mess of tents with Elred close at her heels.

Not a single animal call could be heard. The wind was still. The only light the camp had was from the lamps the patrol guards carried. Reeca edged behind a tent, craning her neck to one side as she watched another patrol set pass by. Their lamps cast their shadows against the pale brown fabric of the tents.

"How long would this shift go? I want to sleep," one of them whined. The sound of a fist hitting the back of a head faded in the distance as the patrol guards walked further. Reeca caught the last traces of a man shushing his whining companion before they disappeared east.

Reeca blew a breath and ruffled her hair that currently resembled that of the two patrol guards whose shift they took on. The people in question were now tied up inside their stolen tent after being fed a few drops of Nyxis's sleeping potion. That should keep them away until Reeca and Elred were done with what they came here for.

Reeca bit the inside of her cheek. Elred's warning played over and over in her mind. "We can't speak while wearing this glamour," the shard fairy had said before they went out of their tent to carry out their plan. "I didn't get a good grasp of their voices so it's going to be a giveaway."

Reeca blew a breath, keeping the anticipation curling in her gut at a minimum. There's a lot of things bound to go wrong with this mission but the adrenaline coursing through Reeca's veins were enough to keep her bouncing until tomorrow. Her heart pounded in her ears as her mind played all the possible scenarios that could happen should the Heiress catch them red-handed.

The dining hall's wooden walls crept up in Reeca's view. The cellar where Elred assumed the thrones would be was just within their reach. Reeca knitted her eyebrows. When she told Elred about the total number of lights on the map exceeding the known number of thrones, the shard fairy had just shrugged and insisted they check out Desara first.

"We'd have more luck if you saw a lot of light in Desara," Elred had said. "Maybe we'll stumble upon a treasure trove. Who knows?"

Indeed, who knew?

Reeca craned her neck up at the shifting sky filled with sparkling stars and the rays of both Samiri and Murco. Crozal was absent tonight, miraculously. But gods, their spatial magic was good enough to even emulate how the clouds travel east across the dark teal sky.

She shook her head. Focus. This was still an enemy territory. It shouldn't be admired in any way.

The double doors of the dining hall came closer. A hand gripped Reeca's elbow as Elred pulled her behind the last line of tents. "Potion?'' The shard fairy's original voice sounded strange coming from a burly man with missing teeth and freckles splashed across his nose.

The wonders of glamour never ceased.

Reeca pulled out the vial she stole from Nyxis's inventory and plucked the cork stopper off. She nodded. They both knew the plan. Knock out as many guards as they could with nothing but a vial of sleep draught.

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