Chapter 14

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The princess at the cold palace stare at the brightest star and asked, "What does it mean to be a family?"

I stared at the ceiling with a troubled look. My mind kept hearing that bad omen coming from Lucas' mouth, that red-headed Captain of Imperial Guards.

The king has taken a liking of the little princess.

Liking of the princess.

Liking. . .

. . . Of me?

That didn't make any sense! Lucas must have seen it wrong. It's clear that the king wants to kill me. His majesty may have taken an interest in me. . . Interest in how he could kill this abandoned princess in different ways!

My stomach twist in pain as I think of death knocking at my door sooner.

The door opened with a bang hitting the wall. Startled, I watched Haisley stormed in the room with an excited face.

"Happy Birthday, Princess," she greeted with a wide smile.

Staring at her I had a feeling that something was off. She would greet me on my birthday with a smile but this smile was different. I couldn't see that slight sadness on her eyes, instead they sparkled in excitement.

"Thank you, Haisley." I was unsure if I should even thanking her because of her weird action. I couldn't help but become anxious.

"Come now, we don't have enough time, princess," she said quite in a hurry.

Confused on what I should do, I let Haisley dragged me without question.

She dressed me with much effort that I actually looked like a princess in front of the mirror. The new dress that Haisley brought was white with few blue frills and ribbons. It looked simple but very cute looking. Among all the dresses I have this was much more expensive.

Will it affect the allowance money the palace have?

"Is it not your liking?" Haisley quickly asked after she saw me frowning at the mirror.

I turned towards the person who raised me like her own child and asked, "Will I have chocolates this month? This dress is expensive, isn't it?"

The chocolates from the Kook Store was heaven that I never stop craving for it. With moderation from Haisley, I eat one chocolate per day.

Her worried face brightens. "Worry not, princess, your chocolates won't decrease from the budget allowance. Me and the servants pinch in to buy you a new dress. Make sure to thank them, okay?"

Warmth blossomed on my chest. A smile formed on my lips. "I will. Thank you, Haisley," I said as I hug her legs.

Haisley started to cry and hugged me tightly. "Oh, princess! Please remember that you are a blessing."

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