Chapter 76

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"Sister you're also here," Magnolia said in surprise after she called the boy's name.

"Am I not allowed to be here?" I asked impassively.

"I–I didn't mean it that way, sister!" She quickly said in a panic. "I apologize for not choosing my words properly. I am just surprised to see you outside for the first time."

There's nothing to be surprised though. We don't even see each other on a daily basis for her to say that and today was our second time meeting.

"Ah! You must be Princess Elaine," the boy said and introduced himself with a carefree smile, "I'm Carsien Rhett Bismarck, a friend of your brother from the training camp and nephew of Captain Lucas."

That's why he somewhat looked familiar. I can now see the resemblance. With the same shade of green eyes and carefree smile. . . oh and how they fall for the wrong person. Very Lucas like.

I almost looked at him in pity.

"You're very different from the rumors I hear of and Aiden never spoke a word about you or even correct the rumors. I now understand why he kept you hidden," Carsien continued. "Rumors really are unreliable most of the time."

"Well, people do love to talk about someone else rather their own life."

"Right? And some quickly judge you just because of those rumors."

"You sounded like you experience it first hand."

"My family is quite popular in my homeland especially when it comes to my father who came from a powerful kingdom with an unknown noble background."

My eyebrows went up. "Lucas's oldest brother," I said in realization remembering the tragic story of the Captain. I then muttered to myself, "I hope that they finally mend their relationship."

"My father is quite a stubborn one but I think both of them will come along sooner."

I nodded, agreeing. I could see that. "Lucas is a handful to be with."

From our small interaction, I could say that Lucas's nephew, Carsien, was easy to be with. I was able to talk to him at ease like we're buddies which made me forgot that Magnolia was also with us until she spoke.

"Hey, Carsien. Why don't you invite sister to the party next week?" She beamed at the boy. "I'm sure we'll have lots of fun if you come along, sister."

"You can bring her too." A tint of blush touched his cheeks while avoiding my eyes.

Witnessing the boy's shyness made me want to save him from this tragic love he'll be facing if this continues.

I was about to tell Carsien the truth when someone called me. A voice that made me stiffed. But what's this. . .it wasn't only me but also Magnolia. She stared at the grass beneath her with a pale face.

"Princess Elaine."

It was none other than Azalea Farrell.

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