*Chapter 06: How to get Yourself a Brother

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For some reason, this chapter has the most PK comments from you readers. I can't even delete all toxic and harsh ones from how fast they gather back, ugh


Friends are those who will make you laugh no matter what, especially when you've thought that you'd never smile again.

Should I really do it? Was that the right thing to do? Could I live with that decision, if I did do it? So many questions were on my mind at that moment. Is having an abortion really the best option for me? I mean, I was taking care of Ayden and all, but would I really be able to take care of a newborn baby without a single knowledge of how to raise one? Even if I couldn't do it and end up giving it for adoption, I'm sure that grief will eat me alive, but abortion would be much worse. Was I really capable of killing a baby? My baby?

Different people would bring different decisions. No one could say if they're right or wrong except for those people themselves, just like how no one can judge other people. As for me . . . I still had no idea what to do. I know what most people would say; that thing is not even alive, it's just an embryo, but I couldn't agree to that. The moment it was created, it became a living thing, or so I wanted to think.

I know, I was just an eighteen-year-old girl. I was supposed to be finishing my senior year at the moment. Yet here I was, one month into the pregnancy with the child of a man who was number one on my list of people I didn't want to see ever again. My body shivered just from thinking about it. It was the beginning of December, the winter, and my once most favorite part of the year. But I loathed it now. It was at times like this that my parents died. Two months ago, I became an adult, but two years ago on the very same date, I became an orphan.

Even so, I could raise my child, couldn't I? I may not be able to give them the best things in the world they deserve, but I could give them love. I'm sure Ayden would love him or her as well. Melissa would definitely be there for me and . . . that's right, I still had a third of the money I got from that guy in the bank. It wasn't little. I could use it for the baby. Maybe find a better apartment somewhere. I could even find another job if necessary. He and Ayden could keep each other company and be less lonely. That is, if only I decide to keep the baby.

But I was afraid. The baby was going to grow up one day. What would I do if it asked me about their father one day? I couldn't deal with it. It would be too painful for me. It would be too agonizing to even think of that man and the circumstances under which my future child was made. What would I do if someone else asked me about his father? Would I be able to stand the pressure?

My thoughts were shortly interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing. I saw it was Mel.

"Hey, Kay-Kay I need yo— I mean can I ask you for something? A little favor for our long-lasting and beautiful friendship?" Her voice was sugarcoated and I immediately knew that she wanted something from me. But, what? She almost never needed anything from anyone.

"Sure, just say what you need," I said, acting all innocent like I didn't know her hidden intentions. Melissa was never a sweet talker when it came to grown-ups, you see. She cursed a lot, yelled a lot, but was literally a fairy with children. The younger, the nicer.

"You are the only one that can save me now. I don't have anyone else I could ask!" Of course. Old li'l Mel. She could go on and on with her conversation until she's managed to entangle you up in her plans so deeply that you just couldn't get away unless you said "yes."

"What is so important that requires my genius self?" That was the reason why I liked talking to her. She took my mind off of any worries. It takes just a sentence of some story she had to tell to make me entrapped in listening to her voice until the very end. At times like this, one could forget everything.

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