*Chapter 08: Here We Meet Again

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In which I began my grand plan of white-washing the former scum Blake and made him into a nice CEO UwU


Anticipation is an interesting game, only while you're hunting. Once you've caught your prey, the joy is joy no more; then it becomes pride.

I was really nervous when we came here at noon, but since I saw how comfortable it's to be around uncle Alfred and Alexander, I began to feel relaxed.

Actually, I've already been feeling like I was at home, but I paid extra attention to the stuff around the house in order to not damage anything. I was even extra careful not to break the plate or drop the cup of tea Uncle Alfred prepared for lunch. You never know what kind of man the owner of this mansion is.

Uncle Alfred had no stamina to run around these two troublemakers which was probably why Melissa asked me to come despite there being someone in the house. A little girl and an elderly man would be a bit lonely in this house alone. But according to their words, the owner of this place was a good man. And rich. Filthy rich. Sometimes, I wonder what kind of person would have become of me if I were born into a family like this. Would I be a prodigal daughter that caused trouble outside or an elegant lady? Damn, that was scary to think about.

Once again I had to admit that the guy had style. This place didn't give away the homey feeling, but it was like a shelter from darkness and loneliness. As an ex-artist, since I haven't painted for two years, I could easily read someone by their surroundings. With all those cheerful colors in every single room and piano next to the fireplace in a specially prepared music room with the entire wall being made of glass where you could see the garden from, you could say that he was the man who wanted company but was lonely deep inside his soul.

I somewhat wanted to meet the person, to assure him that he was not alone and that everything was just fine. We're only human. It's only natural for us to stick together and want more company. We can never learn to function if we keep ourselves isolated. One can only achieve so much on their own, but it's when we meet other people that they ignite sides of us we never thought we had.

I sighed. It's not like I had the right to complain. I forgot about every single one of my friends from the past after my parents died, and I wasn't really the type of person who formed deep bonds with them. I shook my head, trying not to think about negative things.

Hours after I came here, those two wanted to eat something sweet and miraculously, there was none of it, save it for an entire box of hot chocolate. Don't judge, I wanted to try and bake something, but with my baking skills and his expensive things, that was just impossible. I still wanted to live.

Uncle Alfred was out of the question. He, in his words, couldn't cook to save his head. However, he was good at anything else and it was his wife who did the cooking when Melissa's brother couldn't, yet she left for their daughter's wedding preparations.

With no better solution, I decided to go out and buy something. Uncle Alfred explained to me where the closest market was and how to get there, so trusting in his sense of directions, I armed myself with confidence of arriving there and getting back safely before the house was set on fire.

Turning myself to those two who almost dramatically died on the ground with cries for me to get them up, I began to warn them. I swear they were evil.

"All right kids, you stay here while I go to buy some sweets and please don't cause any problems for Uncle Alfred, alright?" I pleaded and both Ayden and Amy nodded their heads at the same time. How cute were they? I almost forgot about my previous statement about them.

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