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Chapter 8: Todd's RuleBook

EARLY UPDATE BECAUSE I CAN'T WAIT FOR YOU TO READ IT! Don't be a lazy cookie and press that vote button🤪💚

🍪Ellie's P.O.V

I was woken up by someone randomly poking me on the cheek. I let out a sleepy groan, pushing the hands away absentmindedly.

I let out a yawn and tumbled out of the bed with my eyes closed. I did a little stretch and let out a started scream when I met a pair of amused stormy grey eyes.

"Why are you in my room?!" I exclaimed, pulling the blankets hastily to cover my bra-less chest.

Just because I wasn't gifted with an average size tatas doesn't mean my nips didn't have the capacity to say hello in the cold morning.

I felt my cheeks heat up when Todd raked his eyes over my oversized shirt with the cookie monster print on it, my short shorts underneath that left my legs quite exposed.

Todd chuckled."Oh, you know, I just wanted to see how you looked like when you're sleeping," He joked, ducking to avoid the pillow that I threw at him.

Todd looked handsome despite only wearing black sweats, a white tank top, and a grey beanie on his curly locks. It was casual but had a nice punch to it, hah, get it?

"How did you get in? Who let you in?" I demanded, throwing daggers at him.

Todd rolled his eyes,"I went through the door Ellie, I can't do those climbing through the window shit. Your mom let me in aaaand we're gonna skip school today," He chirped, waggling his brows in enthusiasm.

It's too early for my brain to work!

"My mom's gonna kill me if she finds out about that." I snorted, letting out a large yawn.

"Actually, I asked her about it and she already said yes," Todd trailed off, a smug tone in his voice.

"You what?!" I screeched, my eyes widening in horror."Why the hell would you actually tell her that?!" I asked, throwing another pillow at him.

"Well, I kinda met your dad on his way out with your mom. He asked me what my intentions were with you and I couldn't just lie considering he was holding his police gun threateningly!" He defended, dodging the pillow.

I pinched the bridge of my nose,"It's too fucking early for this, get out and wait downstairs." I demanded.

"Yeah, good morning to you too sleeping beauty," Todd beamed, walking out of the room with a cheshire grin.

"Yeah, good morning to you too sleeping beauty," Todd beamed, walking out of the room with a cheshire grin

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"The mall? What are we doing here?" I asked, eyeing the entrance of the mall before glancing at him.

1 hour later and both of us were making our way inside the mall. I was forced to wear ripped jean shorts, a an oversized sweater, with my vans.

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